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Mr. Trump is not my patient and I have never met with him. However by using accepted rules of psychology, observation of his behavior, reading his biography, exploring the significant childhood events, assessment of his behavior under pressure and in public, measurement of his vocabulary and syntax, reading of close relatives' writings about him, and spending a significant amount of time analyzing his interaction with others, I could come to a reasonable diagnosis of his character.
Obviously people who are more public and extroverted are easier to understand than those who are more quiet and introverted. Since Mr Trump is quite flamboyant, talkative and impulsive in his speech, he made my job easier.
By using methods of psycho-history, I have been able to come up with reasonably accurate diagnosis of famous people of the past. I have written several article about psychopathology of people in the past which have not been refuted yet. Considering all the limitations in this field we can come up with a few statements regarding Mr. Trump.
IQ :
Assessment of Mr. Trump's IQ is probably the easiest part of our work. His
scholastic achievement is limited to a BA degree from an average university, his vocabulary is quite poor. It is very rare to hear an articulate word in proper context from him. The content of his speeches are redundant and does not include any significantly new ideas. Even at the most
important events he talks with a vocabulary similar to any average person.
Therefore one can conclude that his IQ just at an average range at best.
This aspect of a person's abilities is a good measure of how much data the
person has picked up through the years and stored in his brain.
Mr. Trump's fund of knowledge is extremely poor. For a person who is running
for presidency of the United States it would be extremely important to know about different rulers of the word and to be able differentiate between friends and
foes. We all can remember that he did not know the difference between Kurds and
Quds force and I am sure he does not know who Sheik Fazllolah is, while if
elected he will have to deal with these groups and their leaders every day of the week.
Just knowing a few superficial things about Putin will not get the job done.
Also one should keep this issue in mind that there is no "on the job training
in oval office". In all honesty he makes George W Bush look like a genius. A good
comparison would be to compare his fund of knowledge with Dick Chaney and Bush
Underlying psychiatric problems:
Although this aspect of Mr. Trump's psychiatric problems are quite vivid he has been able to do a good job of covering them for people around him. Unfortunately he has very limited insight to his problems and would never get any better because he takes every minor criticism as an attack to his ego.
Major Psychiatric problem:
(1) Bipolar disorder "hippomanic"
Bipolar disorder manifests itself in several different forms, anything from
unipolar depressive disorder to manic depressive rapid cycler to major depressive
syndrome .
In the case of Mr. Trump we are dealing with a person who is mostly stuck in a hippomanic stage. The criteria for this syndrome is mostly manifested in the
following manner:
For a person to be diagnosed as hippomanic, the first requirement is that there
must be an abnormally sustained, elevated, expansive or irritable mood, plus
unusually and persistently increased activity for most of the day over at least
four days. The mood and the activity must be observable by others and clearly
different from the way one is when not depressed.
Before one can be diagnosed as having a hippomanic episode, one will also have to
be experiencing at least three of the following symptoms - or four if one's unusually
sustained mood is only irritable:
- don't need much sleep.
- more talkative than usual or feel pressure to keep talking.
- experiencing a flight of ideas or feel that your thoughts are racing.
- easily distracted.
- driven toward accomplishing specific goals (either socially - at work
or school - or sexually) or you are experiencing psycho-motor agitation.
- grandiose thinking. For example, you believe you are better than
anyone else at doing something or that you can accomplish a difficult task in
hours instead of days. For more, see "What Is Grandiosity?"
It should be noted that the treatment of this condition requires taking psychiatric medication with unlikely chances of sticking to treatment.
Mr. Trump's Narcissistic
Personality Disorder
It's human nature to be selfish and boastful now and then, but true narcissists
take it to an extreme. They don't just have extra self-confidence, they don't
value others' feelings or ideas and ignore others' needs.
But there's a difference between being self-absorbed, often called a
narcissist, and having narcissistic personality disorder, which is a mental
Sound like someone you know? Are people often upset with him? Is it hard for him to keep relationships? Does he tend put himself first and think he knows the only "right" way? He might also:
Think about himself most of the time and talk about himself a lot
Crave attention and admiration
Exaggerate his talents and achievements
Believe he's special
Set unrealistic goals
Have wide, fast mood swings
Have a hard time taking others' feelings seriously
Strive to win, whatever it takes
Fantasize about unlimited success, money, and power
Someone like this may appear to have high self-esteem, but the opposite is probably true. There's a deep sense of insecurity underneath that grand exterior.
Mr Trump exhibits additional psychological problems which require in depth testing. These problems include but are not limited to ADD, deep inferiority complex, antisocial behavior as well as Oedipus complex.
(Article changed on November 5, 2016 at 15:17)
(Article changed on November 6, 2016 at 09:26)