I don't think I can express how disappointed I have felt for the past month after receiving a pro forma invitation to the Evans-Novak Forum of Robert Novak infamy.
The Sept. 25th event at an "exclusive club" in Washington will be hosted by the "oil man," T. Boone Pickens, who made a fortune "drilling on Wall Street". Although few details are given, I think it can be presumed he'll be selling his plan to turn free wind energy into billions more so he can continue to swiftboat Democrats as he helped to fund the Swiftboat Veterans against John Kerry. As a progressive Democrat, his Plan is anathema to me.
From the neo-conservative side of the aisle, attendees listed are Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman, George Tenet and John Bolton. I don't understand why the first three aren't in jail. What's so terribly disappointing is the list of Democrats listed to attend: Al Gore, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer and Chuck Schumer, dining with the enemy.
Have those Democrats no shame? Considering the division our country has gone through at the hands of the Republican Party, anchoring the nation in debt, stealing two presidential elections, the Constitution disrespected like toilet paper, veterans intentionally misdiagnosed to save money, the press just recently beaten up in Minnesota, putting Alabama's governor in jail like some Soviet dissident, etc., ad nauseum, and they're going to a Republican soiree?
I'm proud to be a Democrat and have supported Barack Obama and will continue to do so. But after much consternation, since I'm in Mississippi, one of the reddest states, where Obama has little chance of winning, I'm casting my vote in November as a protest to their attendance of this forum and voting for Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party.
Gore, Reid, Hoyer and Schumer, thanks for nothing.