We need to take an appreciative first step toward the path of developing and mutual trust. Mutual give and take with an open mind to leave out something, even if it is very dear, to formulate an atmosphere of compromise suitable in a pluralistic society will be the only question to solve. In a modern world we cannot shut our eyes to events elsewhere. We cannot exist in isolation. Barriers are crumbling down and all kinds of people everywhere are coming closer together.
For this very reason, democratic coexistence is the most fitting solution to world problems and of course for solving national issues too. There exist a lot of different views within our ideologies and concepts, but they can be sorted out by sitting together for exchange of views. We can't make any headway if the extreme leftist or rightist views predominate, as they blindly resort to their own analyses. The silent majority must never be forgotten.
Although the majority does not voice its feelings directly, it is, nevertheless, the most powerful system where common people are sovereign, their voice, their needs and their aspirations must be respected first and foremost. They have no cause to fight among fellow brothers and sisters.
Their only desire is democracy, progress and development. What they want is improvement in transport and communication, education, health care, farming, industry and over-all a happy life with cooperation globally. Democracy and human rights represent the desires and aspirations of these people. Even those who think they have defeated their adversaries have experienced no gain and enjoyment. We have to be able to develop a free culture in the World. A full democratic mind-set is the dire need of the hour, but in a society where most people are uneducated and illiterate, old and wrong concepts still predominate giving ample opportunities for corrupt individuals to exploit the innocent.
Unfortunately, those people who are conscious of political rights of the people do not adhere to democratic norms and ideals. Democracy in a system is the eye-openers of the common mass. Their mass meetings, publications and canvassing are the chief and only ways of making the general voters aware of their rights.
However, instead of educating the people, some leaders are engaged in infighting and nasty quarrels. As their objective has to be capturing of economic power. Through cooperation can leaders be worthy of leading for security and progress. We should remember that our interests are found in unity and democracy. In the same way, when today we are face to face with misunderstanding and mistrust again, we must come together in a friendly manner to forge unity and score victory over situations of fear and despotism.