Why are they called "reality shows," these dimwitted television song-and-dance extravaganzas America is mesmerized by? They don't represent anything close to truth or actuality, except in the influence they inflict upon the psychology of their transfixed citizen audience.
While at the same time, PBS and NPR wither down to midgets of the promise they once -- then commercial-free to present the truth -- offered, and now are forced to petition for funding, i.e. survival, from the very forces who would control their content and the citizenry, and in fact do.
Beyond the nitwit television contests, partisan trumpeting has now become the "reality" politics in America, spewing propaganda not only false but contrived to influence and control the mass citizen audience by greed interests and their political apparatchiks, with each side boosting its charade as better -- well, at least "lesser-evil" -- than the other side's.
The more cocky of the Republican persuasion have been known to actually confess this to their partisan fellows, while the Democrats in their own partisan cloth affect angelic robes, admitting nothing even to their own minds, except perhaps such "reality" programming as "Hope! and Change!" (translation: Hopelessness and Unemployment) and "Moving Forward!" (translation: Don't Sweat Crimes Already Committed). Samples of Republican favorites: "Deregulation!" (actually: Burgle the People's Treasure) and "Defending Democracy!" (actually: Wage Treacherous Wars).
All this proceeds while both pathetic albeit poisonous partisanships join -- actually for once do agree! -- in one grand chorus to pronounce that any choice beyond one of "us" is futile, wasted, pathetically wrongheaded, possibly unAmerican, insane, stupid -- and always shall be!
And that is the actual REALITY we've permitted; baseless as it is -- except in popular support -- that's what REALLY runs America while destroying our economy to the benefit of a miniscule elite, beggaring our middle class and slaughtering our youngsters -- as well as the "other side's" children -- in greed wars bedecked with the Stars and Stripes.
"Woo Hoo! Vote Republican!" "Woo Hoo! Vote Democrat!"
You would need to go back a long way to find a literary reference that adequately defines this madness, back in fact to a grizzled old Englishman -- and patriot at that -- Runyard Kipling, who advised: "The colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." Or back to the Bard himself: "A plague on both your houses!"
There you have it, both Repukes and Dims. Get off the "reality" partisan stage and onto the REAL streets of America if you're REALLY interested in ending the REAL Bush-Obama wars against populations two seas and seven thousand miles off our own coastline, and if you're intelligent enough and have the minimum of integrity to turn around the REAL economic abuse to your own selves and the promise of more such against your children.
Leaving behind a treacherous government now addicted to perpetual war, its limitlessly greedy and power-lusting masters, as well as the retarded albeit smirky Republicans and their evermore clonish Democrat colleagues, a braindead electorate (