I believe when we commit to making time for reasonable Conscious Thinking, we will rediscover, it's not just the statues, trolling congressional Pages, wide-stance men's rooms or sharpening cue sticks with malice-aforethought, that define us.
It's the internal struggle that makes us war with one another, believing our individual security and national stability come at the expense of others. It's what keeps at least a third of our exceptional potential languishing in Trickle Down and Might is Right, faith.
In a time of increased finger-pointing -- denial of climate, gender and sexual justice -- denouncing, degrading and humiliating accusers of conduct not becoming human decency, I invite all to fill in blanks below, in private, as article comment or social media confession -- for self-reflection is its own reward.
If you embrace politicizing Evangelical Christians to narrow their vote to broaden your chances for victory at their expense, you might be a __________.
If you think moral character is not the primary goal for all religions, necessity for individual and community mentors, expectation of elected officials and essential for all heads of state, captains of industry and extended family circles, you might be a __________.
If you support collusion with foreign international powers like Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and Soviet leftovers, you might be a__________.
If you think the most impressive species of freedom running wild is best suited on your trophy wall, you might be a __________.
If you are a Governor more interested in turning an independent Judiciary Hard Right, than protecting American women of all ages from the twisted extremes of self-entitlements, then you might be a __________.
If you think a frank admission and apology for committing a demeaning, good oi' boys' club, grossly unfunny, invasion of a sleeping, and therefore non-consenting colleague, makes you deserve Moore shame and congressional censure than a Prevaricator-in-Chief who brands all sixteen female accusers, liars, then you might be a press court jester holding a predator above the law, believing, the Bible told me so.
If you choose to think all Muslims kill, all Jews are frugal in the extreme, all Catholic priests molest children, or all Christians are like Roy Moore supporters, you might be a ___________.
If you avert your eyes from Puerto Rico, one million poverty stricken Alabamians, or the menace to literacy of a four Billion dollar cut to Texas Public Education -- abandoning 49,000 teachers to unemployment while allowing the future of 43,000 college students to be indentured to Wall Street banks, you might be a __________.
If, after a year of mind-boggling self-absorption, we continue to, Sieg Heil a leader possessed by the Demon of Revenge, compelling him to Groundhog Day his, when somebody hits me, I hit back -- while worshiping America's weapons of mass destruction button that puts down planet inhabitants -- our mainstay of faith, hope, love and humanity's fate is embedded with lascivious men of greed, rented by Wall & K Streets, we might be a __________.
If you're a resigned pastor from "unpresidented" Evangelical Council, endorsing and justifying the alleged sins of a Senate candidate by selectively parsing Biblical text, beware, while no religious scholar, I've taught the Bible as World Literature and begin each day listening to audio of Psalms, Proverbs Ecclesiastes, and the four Gospels"
Yes, Holy Scriptures reveal how God often chooses the least among us to fulfill seemingly impossible missions, but in faith, I challenge Roy Moore's Christianity Brand:
- Exodus: Moses -- delivers Jewish people from Egypt, in penance for committing murder?
- 1 Samuel: Young Shepherd David, son of Saul's servant Jesse of Bethlehem sling shots Goliath to death; becomes King of Israel
- 2 Samuel: King David commits adultery with married Bathsheba and murders Uriahn
- Psalms: King David writes poetic songs; in so doing, perhaps, defining a real man as one who embraces truth about himself
- Four Gospels: Indeed, Moore supporters, the Virgin Mary may have been a minor, but rather than assaulting and humiliating her, Joseph, was a loving husband and step-father to her son
May all of us be made worthy of the forgiveness of all we've offended in Heaven and on earth -- and live accordingly.
(Article changed on November 20, 2017 at 16:50)