Senator Tom Coburn was on the Ed Show talking about how Obama's deficit reduction plan "isn't even close" to Paul Ryan and the GOP's budget in terms of deficit reduction. What an idiot. Why can't these guys ever stay rooted in facts and how stupid do they think we are?
Uh, HELLO!!! The President's deficit reduction plan will cut the deficit by 4 TRILLION dollars over the next 10 years while Paul Ryan's plan will cut the deficit by 4.4 TRILLION over the same time period. How is that not close?
The Paul Ryan budget is the latest assault on the New Deal and working class Americans. The day after President Obama's deficit reduction speech, Paul Ryan has the gall to speak out against the speech as partisan (huh?) and then goes on to site the CBO numbers on his budget like some badge of honor. Again, how stupid does he think we are? Some of us have memories longer than a fart in the wind. Let's take a walk back to the Health Care debate, something the GOP likes to revisit ad nauseum.
The latest CBO numbers say that President Obama's Health Care Reform plan will lower the deficit by 210 BILLION dollars over the next decade. The GOP has lined up single file and one after another continue to downplay those numbers. The CBO is supposed to be the non partisan referee for legislative numbers, the FINAL WORD on all legislative accounting numbers. At least until the facts get in the way. Now, getting back to Paul Ryan's proud reference to the CBO numbers on his budget...YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!! If you're going to denigrate the CBO numbers on Health Care Reform (more affectionately known as Obamacare) then you can't act as if they're suddenly legitimate again when it's your turn!
Now, the real fun begins. Ok, Mr. Ryan, GREAT, we're back onboard with the CBO again! Welcome back from La La land. I'm glad you're ready to abide by the rules we've all been playing by - CBO numbers are THE point of reference. So, since we're on the topic of deficit reduction and we've also managed to bring Health Care Reform back into the conversation, I'd like to give everyone some food for thought.
The CBO says: Paul Ryan's sorry excuse for a budget that the GOP is now hanging their hats on will save 4.4 TRILLION over the next decade. It does this by gutting / privatizing Medicare and it gives the top 2% even bigger tax cuts!
The CBO also says: President Obama's deficit reduction plan will save 4 TRILLION over the next decade PLUS President Obama's Health Care Reform Act will save 210 BILLION over the next decade. That is a total of 4.21 TRILLION dollars over the next decade. So let's recap: we reduce the deficit by almost exactly the same amount as the GOP's budget except we still get all of the benefits of Health Care Reform AND we don't gut Medicare, something the latest poll numbers OVERWHELMINGLY oppose. When Paul Ryan, Eric Kantor, John Boehner and the other GOP clowns refer to "the American People" as they so often do, they seldom pay attention to what they actually want:
72% agree with raising taxes on the rich to reduce the deficit
70% of the TEA PARTY do NOT want Medicare/Medicaid touched!
Numerous polls show similar numbers and rebuke of the GOP's joke they call a budget or as I like to call it "The Path To Desparity".
Hmmm....I guess Tom Coburn was right after all. It's not even close - President Obama's plan wins by a landslide! The Paul Ryan budget should insure that November 5th 2012 headlines say the same thing!
- Truthteller