The most prestigious newspaper in Peru is no more than another mouthpiece for power. But this shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with mainstream media and its propagandistic role in our society.
Sadly, most people remain unaware of this reality and still approach this kind of media for understanding on the appalling problems of contemporary life. For them they are real news: you will find no such understanding in El Comercio.
We will consider the Syrian conflict because it's an ongoing issue with massive coverage to analyze. The fact that mainstream media (MSM) in Peru, as elsewhere, imports its articles from Big Media and their agencies around the world does not, of course, release them of the responsibility to verify everything they publish and therefore endorse.
Let's imagine ourselves taking half an hour of our busy lives to seek information in MSM regarding Syria, in order to learn what's been happening there for the last five years. What could be better than an article titled: "Seven questions to understand what is happening in Syria"? (, 09/24/16) [1] .
The answer could easily be anything, because the supposed facts being paraded in this article imported from the BBC are misleading, fallacious or wrong. And any reader searching for truth or an honest interpretation based on facts regarding this conflict may find itself more confused or even worse, completely deceived about its nature. This analysis targets a narrative common to most Western MSM. Its Peruvian counterpart is particularly shallow and disaffected, and rarely redact their own articles on foreign conflicts, importing them, for an even more homogenized massive world coverage.
These sorts of articles aimed at understanding something in a set of simple and clear steps are getting more popular as more and more people seem to drift away from questioning and thinking, researching, or going into contemporary subjects with any kind of depth.
The first subtitle in the article reads: (all quotes from El Comercio in italics)
"What started as a peaceful uprising against the Syrian president, turned into a bloody civil war."
This is a statement of two of the most important points in the Western narrative regarding not only Syria, but many other past conflicts, as this article will argue.
So let's proceed and debunk this set of lies repeated by the MSM ad-nauseam to advance the interests of empire.
1. "What was the situation in Syria before the war begun?"
2. "How did the war start?"
This two first questions need a wide and historic point of view that the MSM can't entertain in its pages and television airwaves because of the simplified nature of its narrative and the limited space they devote to foreign conflicts. The only paragraph dedicated to the situation in Syria before the war (question 1) states:
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