(Article changed on March 8, 2013 at 08:13)
ObamaDrone by charlesfettinger
He is still on the screen. Former Congressman H. Ford on MSNBC. He had just said, 'If you socialize, dine, etc. with the person on the terrorist list, then you put yourself in peril. I don't socialize with such people..' That is yes, we can use drones against those who 'put themselves in peril by socializing.' That's the message.
But, no, nothing happens. Mr Ford is still there, on the screen, visibly relaxed. And then my anger turns into something else- total disgust. You get angry at those who are like you, at those whom you care for, at those whom you want to be with. Disgust is the feeling towards hopeless. He is hopeless. They are hopeless. Nothing can be gained from them but harm. They are insane in the worst possible way- the people with no conscience, no morality, no soul. They justify their abominate behavior by saying that 'we are in the new era.'If this is the new era we better go back to the old one.
So now thousands if not millions of people had been sentenced to death for socializing with the people the former congressman does not socialize with. And they all heard that. And they do not care if he is a looney as he really is or just a stupid person. For them he is the US- person who proclaimed his intentions towards them. How do you think they will respond to this message?
I am afraid we here in the US will live to see the consequences of that stupidity and malice of our representatives.