Dear President Obama,
I felt so honored to vote for you with my almost 3 year old. She came into the voting booth and pulled the level for you. Tearfully, I told her I believed history was about to be made. Someone is going to be voted into the White House who speaks for the people.
I completely understand that you have had a tough time in taking over from possibly the worst administration in recent history, if not the history of the country. So appointing experts who may not have been great choices and were part of old politics is understandable.
I am on your side. I want you to fulfill your promises. When I listened to your speech about the recent shooting and your words about Christina Taylor Green, I was again, tearfully reminded of why I support you. I know that you are hoping to compromise. But you have to break out and stand up for what you say. I'm not going to go into specifics, because I assume you are up on progressive opinion and know what they are. I want you to be as good as Christina not only imagined but with childlike innocence knew. Please.
Thank you for your time.