Farm folk know the value of Skywarn. A radio warning from miles away that a clear sky is turning dark, a breeze is freshening, hail is starting to fall, can save lives. The internet has become a kind of sky, filled with everything from patches of warm sunshine to confused, conflicted clouds created by Fake News Machines. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are even called "clouds." They don't timely warn of domestic terrorist AR-15 mass shooters. Those kamikaze-like shooters post warnings out of their own brainstorms!
The point is not to suppress warnings but to alert local institutions, schools, churches, hospitals, EMS, even local media, and police to guard these institutions as soon as possible. Skywarn is about 350-400,000 volunteers. I propose American volunteers create an InternetWarn of thousands of persons all over the country continuously minding maybe hundreds, maybe thousands of specific internet platforms to instantly warn locally of severe, immediate postings about imminent indiscriminate shooting, especially general ones about law enforcement, women, blacks, migrants, Hispanics, and other so-called "minorities." "Graduated" but immediate response, aggressive, where appropriate, should reduce harm.
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