Constant Integrated Awareness: The Solution to Planetary Destruction
For the last quarter century The Crosscircle Group has recognized the fact that all religions originated from the same Pagan source. The thought was that if people understand that the gods that had been worshiped were not GOD they would throw away their differences and unite under the Cosmic Consciousness which is called-- the Mind of God. Other sages and gurus have called it - Prior Unity --Supramental Consciousness -- Christ Consciousness, I AM Consciousness etc. John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. This saying of Jesus is now thought to mean that resurrecting the ' I AM consciousness in 'Yourself' is the WAY.
The Cross and the Circle connote 'Constant Integrated Awareness of the 'Divine
Self' found in different levels of cosmic evolution. The cross and the circle
symbolize the true nature of Reality. The empty space within the circle
represents the formless Consciousness in us all. The Cross represents the Holy
Grail, the Egoless Self within us.
History is replete with unsuccessful human effort toward peace, but the
principle of Constant Integrated Awareness is a quite different principle for
establishing peace as this Peace can only be found within us. The Hunab Ku is
an ancient Mayan symbol said to represent the Supreme God or the One Being,
with 'Hunab' meaning 'one state of being' and 'Ku' meaning 'God.' It
encompasses all opposites in the universe and unites them as one: male and
female, dark and light, yin and yang, conscious and unconscious, internal and
external--ad infinitum. Some believe that the Hunab Ku acts as a bridge to
connect these opposites.
We can escape the 'God Trap' if the formless God is worshiped under its various names. For the Mayans is is the (Hunab Ku), the Galactic Butterfly, For Hindus it is Kalahansa the Swan of Eternity
(Parabrahman), for the Hebrews the
divine origin of all created existence is (Ein Sof), and the Christ
Consciousness of Christians is called the (The Holy Spirit). If we were not attached to anthropomorphism and animism; gods in human and animal form
with human characteristics, the world would make a quantum jump towards
peace. Allah is not the name of the
nameless Muslim God. However Muslims claim that Allah is the name of God that
corresponds to Jehovah, the god of the Elohim. Since the arrival of the Elohim and their
religions the world has been in conflict.
Although the Advaita and mystical Tarot (Torah) teachings of Oneness are
ancient mass religions have always repressed them. Your own Self-Realization is
the greatest service you can render the world. In
the very depths of your being, the Supreme Consciousness is always there, full
of love, peace and wisdom. It is there to help you to remember who you really
The initial steps of Indian Independence Movement to organize the revolutionaries were taken by Aurobindo Ghosh. This great sage tells us "There is a Consciousness within, there is a Power within that existed in the dinosaur, in the turtle, in the ape, in the human and all life." If we let that power be our operating system it will clean the viruses from our soft-ware. Instead of letting evolution unfold through millennia of useless deaths and phony revolutions that killed millions, we can be that consciousness. We have been at the mercy of a few colossal egos that have launched these endless wars. Let's unite together and say. Enough!
"Better overt war than covert peace." ~~ Shlomo Rubin
Peace is one of those things religions preach, but can't practice what they preach. Everyone religion wants a god better than another even though they know there is only One GOD under its many names. So if everyone really wants it, then we may ask, do humans really want peace? Our Sages have always promoted Oneness and peace. Why don't their devotees listen? If this Oneness is not embraced and practiced the planet is on a spiraling course of destruction. If devotees of these great sages who preach unity can't coexist peacefully how peace and unity can be achieved? If they, the supposed beacons of light can't fulfill the 100 th Monkey Syndrome who will? If we are to ensure a compassionate future for life on earth, we have no choice but to transcend what separates us and build on the profound basis we all share, which is the One Consciousness. We all have a duty to act in the best interests of humanity, let's begin NOW!