There are people who have advocated Second Amendment protection bills at the state level to be a firewall against an invasive federal government. I'm all for protecting the Second Amendment in that way, especially when both Clinton and Trump support the de jure abolition of the Second Amendment by morphing the no fly list into a no gun buy list. However, those same people who tend to at least rhetorically defend the Second Amendment and side with the tea party and Republicans have no issue with torture, which undermines the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
My position is that it's impossible to undermine the Fifth Amendment without also undermining the Second Amendment. How is the Second Amendment safe without the Fifth Amendment and vice versa? Those two amendments mutually support one another.
Donald Trump wants to jettison the proscriptions on torture, legalizing its use. I've been saying that we need Fifth Amendment protection bills at the state level, yet not one person has said one word in support of that idea. My prediction is that Donald Trump's torture program will eventually be used domestically, which makes passing Fifth Amendment protection bills paramount. Even if torture isn't used domestically under the Trump regime, there will be regimes that come after Trump.
But let's say my belief that torture will be used domestically as a matter of policy is erroneous. Let's pretend nobody - not Donald Trump, not Joe Heck - wants to use torture domestically. Well then what would be the issue with state legislatures criminalizing the use of torture domestically? So why is not everybody - even the pro torture Republicans like Joe Heck - on board? Why is not one person giving me any kind of atta boy? Why aren't even the pro torture Republicans saying while they may support using torture against ISIS, they certainly are opposed to using torture domestically against Americans, and what a great idea that is to protect the Fifth Amendment?
My idea for Fifth Amendment protection bills at the state level is far from controversial. There are already proscriptions on torture in place. I'm saying let's reaffirm and abide by those proscriptions. It's Trump and Republicans who want to make changes by legalizing the use of torture, which is controversial.
Could it be the true intentions of the torture lobby are exposed through their lack of concern and lack of support for Fifth Amendment protection bills? The only reason to not support state legislatures criminalizing the use of torture domestically would be because a person supports using torture domestically. Therefore, I can only conclude that Joe Heck hates the Constitution, he hates the Fifth Amendment, and he wants to use torture domestically. It's why Joe Heck is not fit for office. It's why the neocons in both parties must be brought to justice.
(Article changed on October 7, 2016 at 15:14)