So this thread began with a couple of stories about Concerts for Julian Assange:
... but we are delighted to report that we are not the first to have explored this idea. check out click here to view fantastic video of Alex Taylor performing in front of the Ecuadorian Embassy and his interview on Australian TV for taking the initiative to perform what I think is the first concert For Julian Assange.
So here is what we are up to:
1. While a weekly concert outside the Ecuadorian embassy would be a fantastic achievement--and so appreciated by JA--a weekly concert that would take over, ie, shut down the streets around the embassy, would be even more compelling--and fun.
And so it seems to me it would take at most 500 cars (supporters) to turn the streets around the embassy into a packing lot. The nice thing about this kind of protest is it can happen at any time; there is very little that can be done to prevent it. The main point is it's going to be very expensive for the war mongers to mitigate against this type of protest--by any means removing 500 cars takes time, and it's no crime to be stuck in traffic.
2. A song that could be sung outside the centers of power (and their homes) would ensure that the powerful could not run or hide from the consequences of their hostile actions toward JA. If you have a voice this is your chance to make a difference.
3, If we really want to support JA and what he stands for, then it's going to take some very persistent actions. We must make it more trouble than it's worth to confine JA to the Ecuadorian embassy. It won't take long to gain a favorable result but it will require an overwhelming wave of popular support.
4. Keep in mind that what we are taking about (and working toward) is the defeat of the pentagon and its allies, which will end with the victory of peace over the great war machine. It will require overwhelming support--remember, it will be judges, commissions and politicians that will clip the war mongers' wings. Violence has no place in this struggle. Violence is the only card the pentagon has--avoid it at all costs.
So what if it takes six months or a year to defeat the military-industrial complex, how's it going to feel when the war criminals like bush, blair and cheney are brought before the international criminal court of justice--and sent to prison for what's left of their miserable lives. What would that be worth? How many innocent lives would be saved from the bullets, bombs and missiles of the war party?
That's why we are not just fighting for JA but for all he stands for, which is much bigger than any one man--even if JA is the man who will be known as the straw that broke the war party's back.
5. Since 2001, trillions of dollars have been spent, murdering people and obliterating property and infrastructure (mostly in the Middle East). So, it's safe to say, billions of dollars and pounds will be made available for sensible projects that move humanity forward--once the war machine is retired.
6. It's time to stand up for peace. The murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children has been very popular with the war mongers and they have pretty much had their way about it thanks to the mainstream media. That time is past.
7. If we have learned anything from the past 20 years it's that it's much harder to kill white folks at home than it is to slaughter black and brown folks abroad. We (millions of us) are what the war mongers can't slaughter--though they will do their very best to throw as many of us in jail as possible--till they fall off a cliff. at which point the military-industrial complex will be dismantled, their leaders jailed, and their facilities turned into parks and gardens.
And that my friends is what we are up to, but let's start with JA and some music outside the embassy.