What does it take for a nation or any group of people to understand when they are being conned? When did the Germans figure out that they were being led down a road of murder and destruction? Was it when Soviet artillery shells started raining down in Berlin? What will it take for the American people to finally wake up? Will it be Chinese or Russian mushroom clouds obliterating its cities? Will it come when no oil producing state will sell to us? Even more alarming, will it come when the tiny nuclear State of Israel (that has never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty) leads us into World War III?
Did we really learn anything from the war in Iraq? With all the movies, articles and investigations that took place afterwards, did we really learn anything? All you can say is apparently not, because we're following the same path towards Iran.
Iran, with a culture that goes back to ancient times when it was called Persia, a nation of young people that follow western trends and look up to the democratic institutions here in America, Iran, a nation that is now being sanctioned by the Western powers for their inherent right to develop nuclear power like scores of other nations on Earth. A nation vilified by America for decades after we toppled its democratic government and installed the ruthless Shah in 1954. When they overthrew the Shah in 1979, they took American hostages that were used as Presidential political pawns during the 1980 elections. We all know that story.
What does it take for individual Americans to finally rise up and stop the madness that is running Washington and most of Europe? Are we so powerless that we can't stop global mayhem when we see it coming? Or, is there something else that stops the American people from rising up and stopping our own self-destruction?
I believe it is because the American public feels powerless. I believe that the media, with all its might, has pre-conditioned the American people to accept just about any insanity that the politicians throw at us. I believe that we are at a critical junction in our American saga. If we remain compliant, we remain complicit. We were complicit about Iraq, we were complicit about Vietnam and we will be complicit about Iran. We are a nation of sheep. We are a collection of selfish people that are only concerned about their own welfare.
If we weren't a nation of complicit sheep, we would have stopped torturing political prisoners. We would have indicted Bush and Cheney for war crimes against Iraq. We would have stopped Obama from signing the NDAA that puts every American who dissents at risk. Is it any wonder that I stopped writing after the NDAA was signed? I can see a game-changer when it rears its ugly head.
Right about now I could care less about what dossier I'm on. I will not go down as a complacent, complicit American. My countrymen can all be sheep as far as I'm concerned. Just remember, as events proceed to unravel. Think about what the possible outcomes will be. Think about right and wrong. Think about the Jewish lobby AIPAC that drives our political parties, all of the candidates proclaiming their "Zionism".
Think about the Occupy movement. Think about how we can make it a permanent game-changer. Think about the power of the 99%. Think about getting off your ass and doing something that will matter for our future. Stop being complicit.