Our history is defined by reference to Kings, Queens, Emperors, Pharaohs and more and other of the same. So what does this say about us, about you? Do you know? It says your role, your place within existence, your very existence has been ever subservient. It has never been revealed to you but you were created to serve that role.
Roles can change, nothing remains static and the ever subservient can become more, we can grow in our consciousness into self-responsible men and women who claim this planet as our own--it is. First we must recognize our subservience persists today under the guise of the illusion of democracy and tomorrow who knows?
What is the price of subservience today? Our rulers are not benign rather evil and proactively destructive and abusive and un-necessarily and gratuitously so. Regarding their abuse of 'our' planet we can 'see' the life forms and life force or the planet are near terminal. Those to whom we are subservient are equally proactively destructive to us humans also. Air, food and water pollution sicken and weaken us all--not maybe rather absolutely and not in a static way rather persistently and progressively.. This is planned and intended, There are more of us here than they can comfortably control. It is noteworthy that one out of five of our children today have cancer due to the above influences and tomorrow one in four. Our rulers have unleashed their pharmaceutical industry on these kids, which further poisons and never cures, and provide billions in profits to carry out this sick practice. These things do not just happen, they are purposeful. Do understand this!
There is some shift in the consciousness of more and more of us humans who have finally evolved to a point where what we are and how we behave feels uncomfortable. We are no longer unquestioning of our rulers. This pandemic is the global counterpart to their creating the environment that gives kids cancer. This affects us all--they have pulled out the stops in my opinion. And not just my opinion as so many of us are highly suspicious of the vaccines prepared by Big Pharma to 'fix' their pandemic. A hell of a lot of health-care workers are saying no to these vaccines. The important take-a-way here is a growing awareness that must accompany recognition of ones subservience.
I titled this piece 'Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole' but of course we have always existed there. My real message here is, if you can, follow me out of the rabbit hole--then the future is ours to create and there we will heal our children.--a little help is needed here....
Finally, the way to a better future requires taking three steps: step one necessitates we 'see' the hand of our controllers on our necks and recognize their evil intent. to us all and the environment--it is so self evident! Step two is your all-important pro-active step into the future. You must look in the mirror and disagree with what your controllers are doing to us. Do this and you will never be the same. Step three will be taken by those of us who will truly matter in the future. Step three involves turning around and acknowledging and embracing your responsibility to yourself, your fellow humans and the planet. All we need do is hold an intent and vision for a better future that will be for the highest and best good for all concerned and the planet and the better will manifest. We need not fill in the details of the future, others will do that then. Just this will foil the plans of our controllers. When you see them they lose their power over you. When just ten or twenty of us hold this vision it makes its way into the collective consciousness and we will be unstoppable. It is as easy as one, two, three....
Don Scotten