When it comes to the Democratic party the mainstream media (MSM) are about 98% pro Hillary, giving her hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions of dollars in either positive coverage or negative framing and characterization of Bernie Sanders. If their media "donation" was an official SuperPAC it would be one of the biggest, perhaps THE biggest one so far, in terms of monetary value given,
Donald Trump is the exception. he's received well over a billion, perhaps several billion worth of free media attention and coverage. But that was for a different reason (I'll get to the reason Hillary is getting it.) The MSM began giving Trump so much free media because it was grabbing eyeballs, i.e., viewers or readers. Trump is a master of getting attention (narcissists usually are, and media experienced narcissists are brilliant at it.) So the media enabled his efforts to garner attention. They didn't take him seriously. HuffingtonPost put his coverage on the entertainment page at first, then, when he started gaining traction, added a message that basically stated what a narcissistic, hater he is.
But Trump took off and that scared the pants off the GOP establishment. With an overall 62% negative rating and negatives beyond 70% for women, and polls showing that he would even lose to Hillary, the GOP powers-that-be began to realize that Trump could do major, maybe irreversible damage to the Republican party, putting even down-ticket incumbent congressional candidates and the Scalia SCOTUS replacement at risk. So, recently, they've changed their tune, giving Trump negative coverage. That would be similar to an Anybody but Trump SuperPAC.
Let's bet back to the Clinton MSM SuperPAC. with hashtag #ClintonMSMSuperPAC. There's no doubt that many of the pundits they pay are genuine HIllary supporters. I'd expect that many if not most of them expect to get jobs or contract work out of a Hillary presidency. But then, you also have all the salaried anchors like Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Carol Costello" but why make a list. If an anchor or host is salaried by MSNBC, CNN or FOXNEWS they are just about certainly reliably framing Hillary positively and Bernie negatively. A small handful of contract pundits get a little leeway to defend Bernie, like Bill Press, and Rachel Maddow appears to be more even-handed. The rest, fuggedaboutem.
But don't feel so great for Hillary. I don't think the corporate owners of the news networks are favoring Hillary over Bernie because they like her and want her to be president. I think they are reading the same polls the rest of us are reading and seeing that she is the more vulnerable candidate in the general election, performing less well than Bernie against all of the GOP challengers. Hillary is getting favorable treatment like a calve is fatted before it's served up for dinner.
The networks, NYTIMES, Washington Post-- they're not our friends. They are serving the system and Sanders and Trump are both fighting the system. Frankly, I'd like to see Trump win the GOP Primary. He'll be easier for Bernie to beat.
Meanwhile, there are things you can do to compensate for the massive assault against Bernie.
Change the channel and tweet about it to @MSNBC @CNN or @FoxNews when the MSM disses Bernie, whether it's including Hillary's super delegates in the delegate count or negatively framing Bernie. Mention the network with it's twitter address and include the salaried anchor who said it. use the #ClintonMSMSuperPAC hashtag so people can develop a conversation and further strategies to deal with this.
Tell your friends and families what's going on. Explain that the fact that the mainstream media are so uniformly supporting Hillary and opposing Bernie is a great reason to vote for Bernie.
Use alternative media to get your news-- alternative sites like OpEdNew.com, alternative TV like Thom Hartmann on RT.TV, Cenk Uygur's Youtube channel, C-span, PressTV and Democracy Now. forget about NPR and public Television. They've been coopted.
Support the alternative media, not just political candidates.
Use Twitter-- follow Bernie hashtags-- #feelthebern, #stillSanders
Bernie is doing great in spite of the mainstream media. Taking an active approach in dealing with them can help him even more.