Chuck Todd mainly was on his game as he ridiculed the hypocrisy exhibited by Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves on vaccines vs. women's choice.
Chuck Todd zinger: Vaccine is a pro-life positionWatch Politics Done Right TV here.
I have been waiting for many of these hosts to drive fatal hypocrisy shown with the correlation between Republicans' stance of a woman's right to choose and objection to the vaccine mandate. Chuck Todd did some of that here, though not as good as he should have made it.
Chuck Todd got in his gotcha question in a pseudo-random position in the interview. He may have been waiting for the rambling Mississippi governor to give him an opening. Instead, Chuck made his.
Todd first played a clip where the governor said vaccine mandates impacted one's freedom. Chuck then asked the relevant question.
"Freedom and individual liberty," Todd said. "Why should the state of Mississippi tell a woman what they should do with their body. Why shouldn't they have that individual freedom on their body, particularly in the first twenty weeks?"
The governor replied with a somewhat incoherent answer that vaccines affect one person The governor, Tate Reeves, replied with a somewhat incoherent answer that vaccines affect one person while abortion affects someone else. Chuck Todd called him out.
"Governor, hang on a minute," Todd said. "Vaccines are about protecting a larger community. A vaccine is about preventing spread. You could argue a vaccine mandate; it is a pro-life position."
The governor continued to ramble, even making Todd's statement mote obvious. Unfortunately, Todd did not go in for the kill. Republican policies kill millions of people, those already born.
It is not hard to point out the inconsistencies in Republican policies. What I find appalling is the inability of Democrats with a voice and pundits to point it out graphically and effectively. That would touch people's hearts and force action.
Please listen to the entire clip with my other narrative.
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