What a great idea! Prison artists doing portraits of CEOs, and listing their crimes against the environment, economy and society. They can be seen in a book published by The Captured Project, whose website states that all "profits go toward holding corporations responsible for their crimes, reforming the criminal-justice system, and removing corporate control over government" - the pillars of Bernie Sander's campaign for president.
The book displays the portraits (which are rendered quite skillfully) and lists the CEOs' offenses below. Is it possible this kind of approach can open previously closed eyes and bring a new awareness of the crimes that Big Business commits in order to "produce the products and services that better their customer's lives"?
For too long these corporate mobsters have been foisted off as champions of democracy and protectors of the common good. In reality, they are nothing more than corrupters of the same. It's time they were stripped of their pretense to reveal the shameful naked truth.
(Article changed on March 14, 2017 at 19:12)
(Article changed on March 15, 2017 at 02:16)