I was raised to believe, as I think most of us were in the United States, that Capitalism is the superior economic system. Like the Bible, it is considered heresy even to question the idea. Our schools teach this belief as undisputed fact, yet as we look around our beleaguered American landscape it would appear that something is very wrong in this country and all of the symptoms point to Capitalism as the culprit.
Our American political system runs not on one man one vote, but on one man one million dollars. Candidates' chances of success or failure are determined directly by their ability to raise funds. Successful candidates then find themselves beholden to which ever special interests funded their campaign. Barack Obama is nothing less than a prime example of this principle. As a candidate, he supported card check legislation which would have enabled American workers to more easily form labor unions in the workplace. He spoke at length of helping America's middle class and about all the advantages of single payer health care to the public.
His candidacy was the largest beneficiary of Wall Street largesse. His campaign raked in millions of dollars from drug companies and hospital associations. Once elected, all talk of single payer health care disappeared, Wall Street financial reform involves nearly 2,000 studies, and Mr. Obama will be writing his memoirs in Hawaii before they will, if ever, go into effect and become law. Rather than assisting America's middle class, he has become its nemesis. You could argue that the wheels of democracy turn slowly, but in Barack Obama you have a candidate who is diametrically opposed to almost every campaign position that he once held.
Remember Sarah Palin's campaign's droid chant of "drill baby drill"? Candidate Obama was for green energy while John McCain favored more nuclear energy. President Obama then lifted the forty-year-old Nixon imposed ban on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Obama then set in place $12 billion in federal loan guarantees to build two nuclear plants in Georgia. Then after the largest oil spill in American history, the Obama administration allowed deep water drilling to begin again, only this time with stricter paper work requirements. The question that might be asked is: if Barack Obama is so bad would John McCain have been the better choice?
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