On April 8, 2017, "The Kalb Report" was carried live from Washington, DC's National Press Club. CNN's Jake Tapper and Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold were guests of Marvin Kalb; their discussion centered around President Donald Trump's criticism of journalists - especially CNN - for publishing "Fake News."
During Q&A, retired Customs special agent and 9/11 responder Karl Golovin pursued why Tapper hasn't reported on evidence of controlled demolition (as circumstantially implies "False-Flag Terrorism") in collapse of the three World Trade Center towers (WTC's 1, 2 and 7) on September 11, 2001, documentation of which Golovin personally delivered to "Worldwide Head" of CNN Jeff Zucker, Tapper and accompanying journalists during a Newseum event almost a year earlier (April 18, 2016).
Moderator Kalb persistently interrupted Golovin's efforts to lay a complete foundation for his question, which, when ultimately asked, Tapper refused to answer; his one-word response after Kalb inquired whether Tapper "[wanted] to try that" (answering Golovin's question) was "Nope."
The exchange occurs from 1:45-2:45 of this video:
Fahrenthold sat quietly during the exchange, but in response to the subsequent question of a National Press Club member, explained the "journalistic" strategies of minimally reporting - or outright ignoring - controversies they were trying to "debunk," lest increased public interest be aroused and scrutiny brought to bear on the actual - even important - underlying issues.
Karl Golovin recently wrote in OpEdNews (click here) about the evidence in history of "False-Flag" Terrorism, drawing comparisons between aspects of JFK's assassination and the events of 9/11, notably referencing the less well-known Operation(s) Northwoods and Gladio. Viewing "massive civil obedience" as a potentially most likely path for beneficially reclaiming the nature and direction of America, he encourages and hopes many will "Peaceably Assemble for Truth: JFK to 9/11," on May 29, 2017 (100th anniversary of JFK's birth).
Karl Golovin encourages use of Facebook profile pictures from IAmTheFaceOfTruth.com
(Image by Karl N. Golovin) Details DMCA
Join the 'Peaceable Assembly for Truth: JFK to 9/11 on May29, 2017
(Image by Karl N. Golovin) Details DMCA
To view the invitation (click here); the text reads:
Join others, peaceably assembling at noon on May 29, 2017, the 100th anniversary of JFK's birth - everywhere, yet especially upon the north/public terrace/plaza (facing Watergate) of The Kennedy Center, Washington, DC.
Without signs, speeches or entertainment; simply wear a "JFK Button" (provided free to all attending), in petition by your presence for Truth: JFK to 9/11.
Details have been posted in the 911TAP newsletter: (click here)
All are encouraged to separately purchase tickets ($25) to enjoy the official "JFK Centennial Celebration," at 4pm on May 29th (following the "JFK Vigil") in The Kennedy Center's Opera House: (click here)
Organizer Karl Golovin has acquired 30 tickets to provide as gifts for the first 30 participants who both arrive on time (at noon) and continue in this "JFK Vigil" for the full three hours, until 3pm; to join in a "group photo" - wearing our "JFK Buttons" - before going inside to enjoy the "JFK Centennial Celebration."
Honor the memory of President Kennedy!
(Article changed on May 6, 2017 at 02:46)