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By *Jim Naureckas
The kind of question CNN's Christopher Cuomo asked Bernie Sanders at CNN's Iowa town meeting (1/26/16):
"You will hear people say that your paying for it is actually punitive. You're going to punish people who make money, you're going to punish the financial district, you're going to punish, and wind up changing the idea of an open and free economy, because you're going to punish them for speculating. Which means they won't speculate as much, which means you won't get as much activity.
"And, if you do a checklist of how you pay for everything, what you're doing is amassing the biggest government ever, after President Clinton said the era of big government was over. It seems like Bernie Sanders is saying, Not only it's over, I'm going to do it bigger than ever."
The kind of question Cuomo asked Hillary Clinton:
"Interesting weekend for you. Boston Globe endorsement. Des Moines Register endorsement. Maybe the best accolade: President Obama gave an interview, talked about this race. Seemed to get more into it than he has in the past. He said you're, quote, 'wicked smart. Knows every policy inside and out.' Sounds like an endorsement...
"He says, also in there, you get undue criticism, and he says, And by the way, I have some regrets about my campaign and some of the things we did. Was that surprising?"
See Cenk Uygur's brilliant breakdown of how CNN stacked the deck in Des Moines:
*Jim Naureckas is the editor of Follow him on Twitter:@JNaureckas.
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