Trump holds 'war on drugs' press conference amid coronavirus pandemic In an unusual start to the White House daily coronavirus briefing,Note that none of the people are observing social distancing or wearing face masks
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The NYTimes reports that C.D.C. Recommends Americans Wear Masks in Public, but gutless moron POSPOTUS Trump says it's optional and he's not wearing one. My guess is that his on TV political rallies, thinly veiled as Covid19 updates that the mainstream media are disgustingly broadcasting, unfiltered, will continue to include his team of idiots, none of them wearing face masks.
As has become predictable, the US is, far too late, recommending what other nations did far earlier. And even the recommendation has a caveat. Don't use the good, the most safe masks. Use crappy ones, or as idiot-in-chief Trump recommended, use a scarf.
The reason we're getting this weak recommendation from the CDC so late is manyfold.
First, the US has a disastrously low supply of masks and there were legitimate fears that citizens would take up masks needed by health care providers and first responders. This is a shameful situation that the government, that, ultimately, the president should never have allowed to exist.
Second, once the inadequate supply was recognized, Trump and his team failed to take steps to make sure as many as possible masks would be available. That would be done by banning all shipments of masks out of the country and commandeering manufacturing facilities so they could immediately begin churning out millions of masks. Neither of these were done. Maybe Trump asked companies to do it. That's not wartime leadership. You don't ask. You order. It takes some guts to actually issue orders that affect corporations, rather than helpless immigrants and poor people. Neither Trump nor any of his advisors had the guts, integrity or spine to make those orders happen. I don't think they've done it yet. But wear that scarf.
Third, I'm sure that Trump and his team of idiot incompetents resisted this advice, and that the advice was given weeks or months ago.
At this point, since it's clear that Trump is dangerously, with mortal consequences, failing to lead, governors should be ordering that anyone outside should have some kind of a face mask. And congress should be doing what it takes to supply masks to every person in America. If they can give each person $1200 they can give each person a three month supply of masks
Don't wait for the order. Use something as a mask starting the next time you go out. Don't go anywhere where there's a chance you'll be near people without a mask. And can double up on masks. Use a mask AND a scarf, or two different kinds of mask-- a cloth one and a paper one. Health care providers are even wearing three layers of masks. You can even order masks on
And check out this article I wrote the other day
PLEASE, Wear Masks and Gloves or some protection