Reprinted from Mike Malloy

Support for Netanyahu in the upcoming Israeli elections is waning, as is his Likud party in general. Perhaps his recent US address to Congress wasn't as popular among his constituents as it was with our Neocons at home. Today Bibi formally announced his opposition to a two-state solution, perhaps in an effort to solidify his standing among the extreme Israeli conservatives. This is quite the reversal from his previous position, and even flies in the face of what former President(s) Bush claimed was the mutual goal of the United States and our key ally.
Speaking of, doesn't it seem obvious, now, that there never was, nor ever has there been a "two state" solution desired by Netanyahu or any Likud party member? Criticize Obama all you like (and there is legitimate criticism there), but he was able to expose Bibi's hypocrisy and by extension prove the Congressional Neocons to be inane puppets, poised to leap with grandiose applause when Bibi pulls their strings.
Obama refused to jump at the traditional Israeli alliance, and as a result, Netanyahu dropped all pretense of desiring peace with Palestine. In fact, he's planning to execute a new land-grab, this time in the hotly contested region of Har Homa, a neighborhood that Israel claimed after the 1967 war.
The NY Times has more:
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Monday that as long as he is the leader, aPalestinian state would not be established, reversing his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Mr. Netanyahu made the assertion on the eve of an election in which he is trailing in the polls. He has been campaigning aggressively, appealing to conservatives for support.
"'I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state today and evacuate lands, is giving attack grounds to the radical Islam against the state of Israel,' he said in a video interview published on the NRG website. 'Anyone who ignores this is sticking his head in the sand. The left does this time and time again. We are realistic and understand.'
"Asked if he meant that a Palestinian state would not be established if he were to continue as Israel's prime minister, Mr. Netanyahu replied: 'Correct.'"
Gee, there's a campaign strategy you don't hear so often: "Hey, I've been lying about that two-state thing for the last decade ... so vote for me!" Bibi used his last few moments in the campaign to brag about the (probably illegal) settlements he will encourage if elected:
"Mr. Netanyahu stood next to maps of Har Homa, one from 1997 that showed its empty hillsides, and one showing its roughly 4,000 apartments today. A further 2,000 are under construction or planned.
"'It was a way of stopping Bethlehem from moving toward Jerusalem,' Mr. Netanyahu said of his approval of Har Homa, against the United States' wishes, in 1997. 'This neighborhood, exactly because it stops the continuation of the Palestinians,' he added, 'I saw the potential was really great.'"
Here, the candidate admits he's a liar and a thief, and still finds himself on the ballot.
And I thought it was just the American conservatives who allowed themselves to be willingly duped by their chosen leaders.