When I witness skewed visions of patriotism or trivializing that which our mothers, grandmothers and teachers filled our childhood;
When I hear California drought blamed on Environmentalists; or loving God and Country claims while hating Americans of different POV;
When governments, overflowing with tax collectors, fail peace but finance war, while cutting taxes on bankers weighing down our future with student loans -- I hope forward -- to when news media is immersed in investigative follow the money reporting, devoid of repetitive "We Don't Know That Yet," but we'll be right back after this indoctrination from Corporatism owners of Media truth, to tell you again what we speculate about, what we just discovered, has been going on since 1865, when the second phase of Civil War began.
And yet, I see through a glass darkly the light of our possibility: when big brothers include equal sisters on city councils, a social media embracing both friend and foe as close as tears and laughter, fusing Left & Right to Center.
Yes, I see us in
- wearing yellow for Seth
- the face of both inventor and child recipient of 3-D prosthetic hands
- a black looking President (when he's not fast tracking TPP)
- police officers caught on camera helping citizens in need
- Alex's Lemonade Stand
- The life of basketball player Lauren Hill
See: because we are involved with mankind, any disguise, feigning freedom laws, diminishes us just as a Land of the Free, because of the Brave cliche is no more patriotic than, The Patriot Act.
Bravery is not found in billionaire bombs blowing up the Middle Class for perpetual bottom line battles.
Courage is in the pursuit of ever renewable renewables, like transferring our sweat shop dollars from ignorance to freeing higher education.
Heroism is found more in a single creative artist than a Cheney corporate cover up of human torture and environmental oil rig murders.
America is exceptional to the extent it produces We the People like Deborah Samson, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, Gloria Steinem, Alzheimer's Association Sue Friedman &Maria Shriver, Senator Elizabeth Warren, People Demanding Action Andrea Miller, Jefferson School African-American Heritage Center Andrea Douglas, ERA Eileen Davis, NOW Diana Egozcue, Lauren Hill and Maya Angelou.
Because of them, we have decreased American lynching, shackles, and state sponsored murder, but we have yet to overcome voter intimidation, private prisons, and the bullying of our children and rape of women, by those unable to self-control the adrenaline of a little power is a dangerous thing.
We are America The Greatest Generation fought and died for, when CEOs, CFOs and Directors on both Main and Wall Streets, stand united in support of Constitutional Gender Equality, affordable healthcare & education, a livable minimum wage, All Lives Matter Due Process -- in addition to LGBTQ Separation of Church and State -- for this is both definition and challenge of --.government of the people, by the people and for the people"."
Like the 1991 LAPD news at eleven of Rodney King beating, we have video of a suspect on the ground, hands behind his back, handcuffed after being tasered, being beaten by a number of California police.
What happens next is our answer to, Do you think the country is moving in the right direction?