The American people badly need some good, uplifting news to alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes from living in a nation that, quite obviously, is caught in a state of decline and regression. They need to see and hear positive Breaking News that speaks of progress rather than the constant negativity of endless war, a deteriorating economy, a government in gridlock and a dysfunctional society. But will that ever happen?
Breaking News: Congress has enacted legislation to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans along the lines of the Buffet Rule. After many years of protecting and advancing the interests of the 1% of this nation who control up to 40% of its wealth, and seeing the U.S. economy deteriorating as the middle class continues to be decimated, the Republican leadership has finally agreed that a fair and reasonable tax increase for those who make more than $1 million per year is absolutely necessary to restore stability to this nation.
In a historic agreement between Congressional Democrats and Republicans, the Medicare program will be extended to all Americans, thereby creating a universal health care system. This move will guarantee that each and every citizen of this country will receive the same health care benefits, and America will finally have a cost effective system that matches those of the other 30 industrialized nations of the world.
A bipartisan Congress has passed legislation that mandates that the president must seek and obtain a 2/3 majority approval by the Congress before taking any military action within the borders of any sovereign nation. The president can no longer unilaterally order the military to launch an attack and/or occupy any other nation unless that nation poses an imminent and dangerous threat to America. If any president does so independently, without congressional authority, he or she will be subject to immediate impeachment proceedings.
It's being reported that the White House and the Pentagon have approved a plan by which the number of U.S. military installations and troops in overseas nations will be significantly reduced. Stay tuned for more details. The estimated annual savings from these reductions is estimated to be more than $500 billion. Even with these cutbacks the U.S. military will still be the most powerful in the world by far and the American people will be more than safe and secure.
Just Announced: Congress has just passed legislation designed to return a great deal of manufacturing to this nation. Corporations will be given very generous tax breaks and special incentives for transferring jobs from China and other overseas nations back to America. Conversely, those corporations who utilize large numbers of foreign manufacturing labor and refuse to return jobs to America, will be subject to very severe tax penalties. In this same legislation, any nation that has instituted tariffs on imports of U.S. products will have like tariffs placed on their imports to this country.
This Just In: The president, in a statement from the Rose Garden, has just made it known that Israel and Iran have signed a peace treaty which will avoid an impending war. This is great news for those who have been working so hard to promote such a peace agreement. It follows the recent Israeli/Palestinian initiative that lays down a specific plan leading to a two-state solution. These developments came after a series of high level meetings between officials of the U.S. and Israel in which the leaders of Israel were explicitly told that America would no longer support or condone any further incendiary actions which would prevent the establishment of a peaceful Middle East.
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