President John F. Kennedy prepares to deliver remarks
(Image by Photo credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum / White House) Details DMCA
Exciting news: WhoWhatWhy has obtained the complete list of 3,603 secret documents on the Kennedy assassination still being held by the US government. (Or, to be precise, what it admits to still holding.)
Now we can at least get a peek at what they have been hiding.
The list was obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request by FOIA specialist Michael Ravnitzky, who alerted us.
The complete list is below. You'll note that some documents are briefly characterized by subject, while others are less clearly identified.
The government has promised to release as many documents as possible in October, 2017, the 25th anniversary of the JFK Records Act, in which Congress mandated that all efforts be made to release everything in Washington's possession unless an overriding case can be made for withholding in the national interest.
Some -- perhaps most -- of these documents could be released at that time. Then again, they may be further withheld. The CIA in particular is likely to argue that some are just too sensitive to be made public.
To read the rest of this article, click here and click here to view the full document list (it's a long one!)