41-year-old Jason Allan Thornburg is very familiar with the Christian Bible. The Christian Bible often teaches about the importance God puts on sacrifices, including human sacrifices. In the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament believers are commanded to sacrifice to God everything from turtles and pigeons to lambs and bulls. The anonymous authors of the Christian Gospels claim Jesus taught his followers that the commands and laws in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament will remain in effect until, as Matthew 5:18 states, "heaven and earth pass" or until all is fulfilled, which would be the return of Jesus to earth. Since those things have not happened, the ungodly and cruel commands and laws in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament are, according to Jesus and the Christian Bible, still in effect. That would also include sacrifices, even though many Christians believe Jesus was God's final sacrifice.
The Bible-believing Thornburg believed God was calling him to sacrifice people, not unlike the Bible's repulsive and anti-God claim that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Many people believe God did this to test Abraham's "faith" when in fact, according to Genesis 22:12, it was because God did not know if Abraham feared God enough to actually kill his own son. In 2003 a Bible-believing Christian mother, Deanna Laney, murdered two of her sons and injured her third son so badly that he is permanently handicapped, all based on the Bible story of God ordering Abraham to sacrifice/murder his son.
Another example of human sacrifice in the Bible is found at Judges 11:29-40. This disgusting and ungodly Bible story is about the Israelite Jephthah. He was waging war against Ammon. He allegedly made a deal with God that if God delivered the people of Ammon into his hands so he could slaughter them, he would make a human burnt sacrifice to God of whoever he saw first come out of the door of his house after he returned home. The person who first came out of the door was his only daughter, so he murdered/sacrificed her in a burnt offering to God. (We cannot truly love God while believing trash like this is part of God's Word.)
When people have their minds full of these ungodly and horrendous Bible stories, it should not be surprising when some of these people act accordingly. That's what the Bible-believer Thornburg did. He murdered/sacrificed five innocent people because he believed God was calling him to do so. When questioned by police, Thornburg told them that he has an in-depth understanding of the Bible (due to the Bible's rampant ambiguity, it's impossible for anyone to have an in-depth understanding of the Bible) and that based on this understanding of the Bible, he believed he was being called to sacrifice people.
As long as the clergy and the believers are not openly and honestly confronted about the ungodly insanity that is propagated by their "revealed" religions and their man-made "holy" scriptures, people will continue to be brain-poisoned by these teachings. The Deist Voltaire made a very important point regarding the absurdities and cruelty that are promoted by Christianity and the other "revealed" religions when he wrote:
"Truly, whoever is able to make you absurd is able to make you unjust. If the God-given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God-given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world."
Deism, belief in The Supreme Intelligence/God based on reason and Nature, and rejection of irrational claims and beliefs as are found in and promoted by Christianity and the other "revealed" religions, is the best way to stop the "revealed" religions from making people absurd and unjust. None of the "revealed" religions can withstand the test of our innate God-given reason.