Reliving Hill v Thomas, watching Confirmation, I remembered the mockery of justice for all sweating out of Trey Gowdy, for senior partners behind the corporate curtain -- and I asked the darkness, is winning, Left, Right and Center, the new alt-Mission.
If so, all of us, regardless of political persuasion need to pause, take a mental breath and self-impose a 24-hour moment of silence, to think -- breathing out Liberal hyperbole, Right Wing falsehoods and merry-go-round media, we free both Left and Right brain.
It's not just Trump or those who voted for him. It's the people who invest in the people who project their sins on We the People, believing democracy is a calculated commodity.
A national Time Out could still the nightmare and reawaken the dream of possibility thinking -- including, but not limited to, pausing the current presidency's 140-character reign.
Despite the embarrassingly awkward attempt to preempt a Trump congressional premiere, the strained, underwhelming, miss-cued, parroting duo of Thomas Perez and Keith Ellison, prompted former Palin tutor and current MSNBC contributor, Stephen Edward "Steve" Schmidt to, uncharacteristically be categorically wrong, in his assertion that the Democratic Party made a miserable Trump congressional rebuttal choice, in former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear.
I was in the room when seventy-five-year-old Bernie Sanders asked a standing room only gathering of supporters, to prevent a Donald Trump presidency, by supporting Hillary.
The enormous Pennsylvania Convention Hall space was overflowing with a sea of supporters, from Millennials to great-grand parents, smart phones held high over our tear-stained faces -- Democrats are senior wisdom, youthful virtuosity and the power of diversity.
Monday November 7, 2016, the GOP was media pronounced DOA. At 2:00am Wednesday November 9, 2016, talking cable heads began substituting GOP demise with, The Democratic Party is leaderless and helplessly divided? Now the collective think is: there's some Russian rotting in the Trump Swamp of Goldman Sachs.
America has survived wars of adversity and inconsistent trust in diversity -- not always rising above conservative hesitancy failing to see and value all humanity. So, when our hope seems a mere slither of light Red Mapped between Wall Street and GOP leaders -- our majority of minorities lifts us above the extremes of extremists.
Good is Peacefully Assemble; bad is accepting the bottom line of two, tarnished by Wall Street, national political parties; ugly is the lies we tell ourselves to justify electing the worst among us.
The union between Wall Street, Congress and Red State politicians, is a marriage of convenience that is more akin to European Aristocracy before WWI, than American patriotism -- and while branding democratic All for One and One for All as Communism -- it is as likely to shun its own republican support. Self-preservation of economic elites is not individualism, it's a prejudicial selection system.
The Democratic Party is Oprah Winfrey & Elizabeth Warren, college students & the Clintons, Khizr Khan & the Reverend Dr. William J. Barber. We are the Women's March and Moral Mondays, realizing Freedom of Choice is Free Will. We believe in science, preserving the planet & all life upon it and, that the promise of our Statue of Liberty is the foundation of American Exceptionalism.
So, Democratic Party leaders need cease and desist all attempts to ascertain how to win back The Rust Belt -- for Democrats are The Rust Belt and our base remains: Out of Many, One.
Democrats comprise an eclectic UNITED States of EVERYONE Party -- and the sooner Centrists and Left Wingers embrace each other in this reality, the sooner America can Lift Every Voice and Sing: Happy Days are here Again!
It's not just real Russian hacks nor fantasy Trump wiretaps -- nor even heated Town Halls for GOP tap dancers. It's knowing Lincoln's government of, by and for the people wasn't a guarantee, but a gauntlet to the future of democracy.