I submitted this piece a couple of days ago and then deleted it because it's pretty goofy. Today I read how Presidential Candidate Ben Carson is now ahead of Trump in the polls. What an amazing country we now live in. I don't understand it. Where did these people come from? How did they grow up in the same country that I did? What was done to them to cause them to flirt with fascism? It's still goofy but..well....
Quote of the Day: Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!
Research Topic: Images as propaganda
Last week Presidential candidate Ben Carson made the mistake, that many before have made, he appeared on Glenn's radio show for Glenn's delusionally gorged tick of a television and radio network, The Blaze. Glenn has yet to give up on his plans of taking over the world. However, he can never get past his need to destroy the things he claims he holds dear, like...The Constitution.
Glenn's ego and megalomania are so out of control that as you watch the video of his conversation with Mr. Carson you will notice iconic images appearing on a large hand behind his head: a cross, a star and crescent, a star of david. By doing this he wants his viewers to believe that he is also an iconic image among the world's pantheon of religions. It's kinda like George W. Bushstanding in front of an image of Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill.
Glenn rapid fires questions at Carson. He claims he wants simple yes or no answers -- he really doesn't, I think he thinks this makes his program seem intense, provocative -- he is William F. Buckley -- the interviewee is not. Glenn has already made it clear that he doesn't want Carson as President. Unfortunately, in his zeal to showcase his grand image of himself, he asks a question of the Presidential candidate that the Presidential candidate gives the wrong answer to and destroys any hope of Glenn being seen as a prophet of strict constitutionalism and a patriot. I think he sought to slime the candidate. Alas, the candidate slimed him. I use "alas" here because Glenn also has a human skull on his desk directly in front of him. It seems he believes this marks him as an avatar of Hamlet or the new Nostradamus, or at least akin to someone Nostradamus spoke of:
"A young child will be born of poor people
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East."
When my daughter was little I watched quite a few episodes of the, Spielberg produced, animated show,'Pinky and The Brain,' with her. I enjoyed it. Pinky and The Brain are two genetically compromised lab rats. The Brain is constantly trying to take over the world and Pinky, being an ignoramus, ruins his plans every time.
Glenn asked Carson if he would shut down the Department of Education, thinking he would say yes or at the very least talk about how most teachers are leeches and communists. Instead Mr. Carson said that he would use the Department of Education as a tool to clamp down on free speech on college campuses. Glenn appears to respond "that's good" in the video. Oops, isn't that in direct opposition to the First Amendment of the Constitution? Isn't that kinda like sh**ing in your own nest? Especially when you're Glenn Beck, "The Rampant Fool", whose bloated, hysterical, hyperbolic, inflammatory drivel is absolutely protected by The First Amendment. If Ben Carson truly believes what he said and would institute it as President -- he is also a fool and willfully ignorant of the foundations of this country.
Oh well, it seems The Brain's plan for world domination got thwarted again by Pinky's weak mindedness.
Kevin is an Artist, Writer, Carpenter and Gallerist in Texas.