The patriot's finest hour and greatest expression, is the potential of, Let Freedom Ring -- not just hail to the symbols, but individually sharing and collectively being the actuality of a global Golden Rule's Good Samaritans.
Those who can't distinguish Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan or a Wall Street purchased Russian infiltrated administration from non-violent expressions of our First Amendment Rights, are cowards mocking the Home of the Brave.
Despite the freedom afforded a thieving treasury secretary to freely express, the expression of freedom of speech must be barred from sports events, while Supremely Blessed Corporatism Puppeteers Red Map America and Gerrymander our electoral process -- non-violent, silent kneeling in protest of anything in America, is guaranteed by: to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The Bill of Rights may be Exceptionalism created exclusively by America's Founding Fathers, but its guarantees are not limited within American borders, despite, Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush/Cheney covertly implanting Protest Zones to fence in Free Speech.
Having a president who fails to comprehend the legal responsibilities of his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend our Constitutional freedoms - guaranteed any and everywhere in America - is as much a definition of anti-American, as Russian hacking.
Nonetheless,Freedom of Speech is not carte blanche protection for bully pulpit attacks, white supremacists, hate speech, spitting on nationalist blogger Jason Kessler, advocating vehicular murder, Tiki-torch parades proclaiming, Jews will not replace us, beating clergy with pool cues sharpened into spears -- or even granting collectivism's international money changers, a Citizens United human equivalency.
In a world of followers mesmerized by political TV ads & Fox News, Ted Cruz & Tom Price, Smart Phones & Social Media -- goose-stepping for Kim Jong-un and genuflecting to Donald Trump -- prioritizing human equality with Justice for All, requires the enormous courage to petition for a viable solution for survival of the planet, by turning the other cheek.
When I was a child, I resented TV sports ignoring the TV Guide schedule and pre-empting scheduled movies, as if movies were second class entertainment. But when I became a man, Ken Burns documentaries enlightened me -- indeed, there are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in an executive travel ban philosophy.
Continually inspired by Dave, The West Wing and The American President I'm an Italian-American who loves all Americans -- and when it's recognizable, weep during the National Anthem, both in appreciation for what it represents, and somewhat leery of how entrenched our school daze pledge of allegiance to the flag has indoctrinated adults with unadulterated flag-waving.
Beware, global empires, like Persian, Roman and Ottoman began erosion process when, after 250 years, the populace allowed economic imbalance, wars for wealth and expansionism, to tip imperial scales toward decline and fall.
The United States of America, in its 241st year, largely deserting united in favor of, dysfunctional -- aided and abetted by K & Wall Streets, has replaced, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with an abnormal Executive who is a colossal threat to, and forever in peace may you wave.
Is humankind willing to gather at the rivers of racism, sexism, Climate or nuclear extinction, because bully twins, Kim & Don, have wrested the global pulpit from wisdom, maturity, civility and rational behavior?
An American president denying Russian Cyber-attacks on our 2016 elections, Putin's attacks on Morgan Freeman and Rob Reiner, video plea for a Commission to investigate same, and, in concert with corporate media and like-minded politicians -- all but relegating American life in Puerto Rico, to a post-Maria footnote -- is far more damaging to American Security and symbolism than, bending a knee.
Get that SOB out of here, is repugnant to the American ideal, but a bent knee, or two, for the right of the people peaceably to assemble, to snatch peace on earth from the jaws of the world's demagogue duo, is the best symbol of what has always been great about the United States of America.