And so it begins. Within hours of President Obama's eloquent speech in Cairo yesterday, his valiant attempt to begin to heal the wounds so deeply inflicted by the Bush Crime Family on the Muslim world, the rabid right-wing attack-dogs were growling their poisonous rhetoric. All of Fox "News" is characterizing the trip as a "Muslim apology tour." According to Media Matters, Sean "The Baby Jesus" Hannity creatively edited portions of Obama's speech to make it sound like he was sympathetic with the 9-11 attackers, quoting only this part of Obama's sentence: "I am aware that there are still some that would question or even justify the events of 9-11." However, the context of Obama's comments makes clear that Obama was condemning those who would "justify the events of 9-11." What a dirty trick. Hannity left off the rest of the quote:
Does that sound like Obama is supporting al Qaeda? As Dana Carvey's "Church Lady" would say, how conveeeeeenient. Never one to be upstaged by anything smaller than a Mack truck, Rush "Deaf by Temptation" Limbaugh posited that al Qaeda better hurry up and destroy "the America we all know and love" because Obama is beating them to it. And the suddenly ubiquitous Liz Cheney appeared on MSNBC to whine that Obama wants to hold hands with terrorists:
Tell me again why she is given a national forum to spew her garbage? Why not ask Bristol Palin for her opinion? Or Jenna Bush? Nasty, hate-filled reactionary screeds are expected from these media whores, but generally not from our elected officials. In a stunning offense, Republican Senator James Inhofe ravaged the President's speech yesterday, making the outlandish claim that Obama is "un-American" and siding with the terrorists. According to the Senator from Oklahoma, President Barack Obama's speech in Cairo was "un-American" because he referred to the war in Iraq as "a war of choice" and didn't criticize Iran for developing a nuclear program. "I just don't know whose side he's on" Inhofe concluded. The same could be said of you, Senator. |