Ah, Alan Greenspan--a devotee of Ayn Rand, author of the novel Atlas Shrugged, you've woken up from your addiction to a myth. When asked by Rep Henry Waxman (D-CA) "You found that your view of the world, your ideology was not right, was not working?"-, you replied Mr. Greenspan , "You know, that's precisely the reason I was shocked because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well."-
No, Mr. Greenspan--it wasn't working except for the very few at the top of the pyramid, which of course included you. Your ideology was based on Rand's perception that human beings were on this planet to dominate or be dominated and you succeeded at that very well, so of course it looked like this market system worked well too. This fundamental flaw, of the dominate or be dominated value system, is weaved throughout Atlas Shrugged--a book that obviously rang a bell to those born in the 40's and 50's when communism and fascism reared its ugly head. The fears fostered through the Cold War created a competition between communism, fascism, socialism and capitalism. This had a huge impact on the US and those who were coming of age to create the economic systems we've all lived under for the last 50 years. Mr. Greenspan, you were one of those caught in that fear. You thought you had found a solution in Rand's story and capitalism would provide the correct balance. But as you have stated, you now stand in "shocked disbelief"- that it could crumble.
While it is easy to see the "-dominate or be dominated' story in communism and fascism--where communism is state domination and fascism is corporate domination, you were blinded by the reality that capitalism is a dominate or be dominated philosophy too--and can produce just as much chaos. The solution isn't in any of those economic systems--because they all reflect the same value system: dominate or be dominated. This flawed value system is thousands of years old and Atlas Shrugged was just one more attempt to justify it. You can forgive yourself for one thing Mr. Greenspan...you didn't create this system you merely perpetuated what had come before. In any flawed system, it may take decades or even generations, but eventually the flaw can not be covered up, and the system begins to collapse on itself. You just happened to be at the top of this pyramid when Atlas farted, so you're getting all the stink.
Throughout the novel, the question "Who is John Galt?"- is repeatedly asked. John Galt is a man disgusted by what he sees as the non-productive members of society using laws and guilt to suck the value that's been created by productive members of society, and even worse, seeming to glorify the qualities of these parasites over the workers and inventors. In his frustration, he made a pledge that he would never live his life for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for him. He then founded an enclave so he could be separate from the rest of the country and, where he and other productive members of society could flee.
This separate enclave world would represent what you and those manipulating the banking system, were attempting to create as well. It is Reaganomics, Bush policies of the trickle down economy. It is the disgust of Barbara Bush watching survivors of Hurricane Katrina being helped by the government in her now famous line of---and so many of the people in the arena here were underpriveleged anyway, you know, so this, this is working very well for them".- People were shocked to hear her say this, but it reflects the perception that the poor people living in New Orleans--were the "-parasites' sucking the value of the productive members of society. These are the people Galt was disgusted by--and saw no need to ever recognize or care for. The policies enacted through the Federal Reserve by you, as well as the Investment bankers who have perpetrated one of the greatest frauds ever on the American people and the world reflect this same disgust in the value of people who are not like them.
Today, it is reflected in the audacity of CEOs of these Investment firms to feel that their value as productive members of society gives them the right to take huge bonuses even while their firms go belly up. They, like you Mr.Greenspan, are in such shock. They think they can do no more than to continue to shore up this failing system of the dominate or be dominated system. They now realize that as they have lived their lives with no consideration of another man, as the system crashes down around them, they believe no one will live for them. Get your money now and get out is the only option possible for someone who has committed their life to the "-dominate or be dominated' value system.
Ah, but dear Mr. Greenspan--as you wake up from your shock, I'd like to say, welcome home. You have been gone a long, long time--stuck in a value system that kept you from seeing what was going on right around you. This is understandable of course--because neither you or Rand created the dominate or be dominated value system. It was here long before either of you, you were merely putting your own twist on it and then putting it into action through the economic systems of the 20th century.
As you put Rand's Atlas Shrugged back on the bookshelf, and wonder how you could have been so blind, let your hand pick up a new book--not a novel based on fantasy but a thoroughly researched book that will enable you to see the fallacy of the dominate or be dominated value system in context to one that will work for you so much better--a caring value system. The book is Riane Eisler's, Real Wealth of Nations-creating a caring economy. As you read through it, you'll be amazed to discover that research shows it pays to care. That an economy based on a premise of optimal human development and caring for the planet produces far better results than Rand's dominate or be dominated premise.
Yes, Mr. Greenspan, it is a new story--and it will welcome you. We believe in living our lives for ourselves and others--because we know others believe in this partnership model as well. It's not a perfect world, but it is a caring world. It is inclusive and taps the best, most creative and productive people on the planet today. It is inclusive as well in noting that there's value in others who may not yet have reached (or possibly will never reach) their full potential. We see and respect the earth--for we know it lives for us and so, we must protect and care for it as well.
I imagine you waking up in the old enclave Mr. Greenspan--a place that you once thought was constructed on a foundation that would never bend or break but instead has come crashing down around you. It could feel very lonely and you would likely expect, based on your commitment to Atlas Shrugged--that no one will care for you, because you've never cared to care for others, but it simply isn't true. It's time to build a new economy Mr. Greenspan, and you can be a part of it too. To get started, please read: Real Wealth of Nations"-..creating a caring economy, by Riane Eisler. We look forward to hearing from you. www.partnershipway.org