Atheism is a worldview that denies the existence of God or any other metaphysical entities as a substance. Let us first define what we mean or imagine when we speak in everyday life, of prayer Or in times of trouble, we will mention and glorify the name of God. It is possible to convince oneself and others of the existence of such a substance if we are simply dealing with butarphoria, which in theory should serve a good purpose, but has been used as a good manipulation mechanism for centuries.
It is probably a well-known fact that, before the formation of monotheistic confessions, there was polytheism, the so-called polytheism. For example, in ancient Greece they glorified Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, etc. And in Scandinavian mythology: Thor, Odin, Lok, and in Mesopotamian mythology: Ashur, Enlil, Enkh, Anu, etc. Even today, there are many polytheistic religions such as Hinduism, which has billions of followers, and therefore the question arises, can there be a plurality of deities? Centuries ago, Xenophanes gave a convincing answer to this question. According to Xenophanes, if there is an abundance of gods, this would lead to their deficiency, and if we imagine the circumstance that one god is weaker or stronger than another, this destroys the myth, the myth of their invincibility and supremacy. And God, as a transcendental mind, cannot have a defect.
Before the polytheistic religions were formed, the idea of God in general came to man because of his ignorance of the laws of nature. For example, during the thunder, the man who was still in the initial phase of evolution was afraid, he believed that if he won the heart of the god of thunder, by some sacrifice or gift, he would be freed from his wrath. If we look closely, there are so-called universals in the world. General names and unit names, the number of universals includes such givens as: God, Adam, monkey, trees, etc. And singular names belong to such circumstances as individual individuals: for example, me, you, Saba, Giorgi, etc. If we take a good look at the universal, such as a person, there is me, you, and conditional in the case of an Italian Luigi. As well as the general name, the dog will be recognized by the fact that there are many breeds of dogs in nature, that is, it logically follows from this that the universals are so-called. General houses exist in the presence of a unitary name, and such a general name as God is not found to be a unit, just as, for example, a frog with nine heads is located, but according to Thomas Aquinas, universals existed in the mind of God, therefore general names exist in the humans, as in the part of God's creation.
In my humble opinion, the idea of God is not innate in humans. Locke believed that people are not born with ready-made ideas, a child is a blank slate on which life writes knowledge. In general, man created God, not God created man. Man created God in his image, not God man, and the kind of God that most people imagine is man himself, who works miracles with his technological progress, man himself is the creator and determiner of good and evil.
Being in faith is not bad, on the contrary, it is quite pleasant and comfortable when you look at existence with hope and believe that if you do good, you will be blessed in eternity. In general, faith and religion have their political and social impact. To demonstrate the necessity of religion: let us imagine the further circumstance that there is a category of people who are inclined to commit crimes, due to economic, social or other conditions. Prevention of the actions of such category of people is provided by the state and its agencies, so that the result of their actions does not turn out to be harmful or lethal to other residents of the state. In a word, the state takes away the state of nature from man and becomes a monopoly on violence. The perpetrators of crime and violence are given relevant punishments, but there is a category of people who ignore the state and its authority and material physical pain is not a deterrent for them, for such people there is religion and God to instill fear that if their actions will be destructive or harmful. For any other member of society, they are doomed to suffer for eternity. That is why the role of religion in the society is limited, so that we can create an illusion for their own good and not sacrifice it for absolute freedom, because in a free environment, a man is a wolf to a man.
When we consider religion, we need to take into account the thought of Søren Kierkegaard. According to Kierkegaard, faith must be childish, to test faith is to reject it. Regarding faith in general, Kierkegaard came up with such a formula I believe because it is absurd. In the last years of his life, Kierkegaard strongly criticized the Danish Church, in his opinion, people who are not in faith should not be looked at as misguided, but they should be considered as riding before religion and should be punished as an example.
Religion has brought both positive and negative results for humanity in general. Take for example the Crusades, where bloody confrontations were fought to atone for sins. Also, in the Middle Ages, philosophy and science were not separated from religion, and during the Renaissance, despite the fact that man and God are closer together, science and philosophy are still not separated from religion, and in the name of God, the works of Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus are declared heretical. Even worse, the elimination of Giordano Bruno is carried out for an absurd reason. Also, Diego de Landa, a Spanish Franciscan friar, is one figure known for his role in suppressing indigenous Mayan culture and religion, which included burning Mayan texts and using torture to convert or punish indigenous people. Also, during colonialism, Protestant monks justified the exploitation of black slaves with their Khamitic roots.
Even in the 21st century, there are many precedents of terrorist attacks, which mainly have a religious premise. In general, I consider economic hardship to be one of the main prerequisites for Islamist terrorism, because it is very easy to manipulate a fanatic in economic hardship. He has desires and needs in this world, which he is unable to fulfill due to poverty, and he is promised to fulfill all that he lacks in this world, but in Paradise.
The existence of religion is a necessary prerequisite for social and political stability, because carrying the burden of freedom is a difficult task, and it will be difficult for many to imagine that their existence is as absurd as the myth of Sisyphus due to evolution, God, and universal non-existent authority.