Down over at the dentist's office today to have stitches removed from oral surgery to take out one of my front teeth two weeks ago, I mentioned to the dentist that, "I feel hopeless--really helpless" this year ending.
She said, "Not only you. I too feel that way " Things are changing so much --
"Yes"" I said. "This is not the same country I came to so many years ago."
She said, "I know. I too know it has changed. I came long after you did but I had the opportunity to study and specialize in three different areas of dentistry which I love "
She continued, "Today I am worried and concerned about what will happen when I tell two of my techs they have to go home early knowing that that will reflect a cut in their paychecks."
S In the process of removing my stitches, she continued saying, "The Company wants to cut today's hours by half for two of my techs due to a slack in scheduled appointments for today. I worry how they will react when I tell them they have to go home early. They are two of my best helper/techs. We work well together. They had already been told last week that they had to take a day off--without pay. I told them then not to worry. That I would, pay them for the day out of my own pocket. I said that would be my New Year's present to them. But I can't continue to replenish for them what the company takes out in their hours and in their paychecks."
The Dentist continued " "I am conflicted. Very conflicted. I fear they'll tell me they are quitting, that they're going to have to find another job. That they can't support themselves and their families with these cut in hours and take-home paychecks." She said.
Yes it is all about the Companies, or the Corporations. It is about profits and greed.
And when I hear on the television all these pundits and politicians say that the economy is improving, I wonder, whom is it improving for?
"The only problem with that" I told the dentist, referring to the idea of finding other jobs, "is that there are really no jobs out there". Or, that whatever jobs there might be out there will do the same thing to them. Long ago corporations and companies used to care about their employees. They do not anymore."
This compassionate dentist who also understands the financial circumstances that prevented me from paying for a root canal for my front tooth and I had to have it pulled out instead, said:
"I know it is not the best of times. I know it is not what it was before and I know we are going down a road which does not portend any signs of anything getting better any time soon. But we can't let worry, or anxiety, or depression get the best of us. It would lead to sickness. Right now you are healthy. And so am I.
You have a roof over your head and food to put on your table and so do I. You can walk and you do not have dementia. And I have a job and a profession " " and, although she didn't say it, the implications was that she has a profession that allows her to look at this declining economy in the face and beat it"so far.
Then she said, "do you remember the girl who worked in the front office last year? She died. Of Cancer. Within Two Months of Being Diagnosed.
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