I have received a report from a retired professor on a visit to countries in southern Africa who wishes to remain anonymous. He says he could face five years in prison if his identity were revealed. So I'll call him "John".
John says that in one country in that region, under the current emergency regulations, there is provision for five years in prison for anyone who contradicts the official government line on this epidemic, or who spreads "false information" about it.
That country's punishment for an ill person breaking quarantine and infecting someone is one year in prison. Therefore, putting out information linking 5G to COVID-19 is regarded as five times more dangerous than infecting someone with the disease itself.
With petitions opposing 5G on Avaaz and change.org reportedly being removed and celebrities being forced to retract anti-5G statements, it may not be that long before other countries adopt such Stalinesque practices, banning talk of alternative treatment modalities, including EMF-mitigation strategies, and then banning those treatments themselves.
I will speak out until such time.
In neighboring South Africa, one man has already been arrested for saying among other things that the COVID-19 pandemic is an excuse to roll out 5G. What is really bizarre, says John, is that the police refused to allow reporters into the court. They gave no explanation for this, and the judge said he'd had no idea the press had been barred.
This is reminiscent of the circumstances surrounding Julian Assange's trial, and leaves us wondering that if 5G, as we've been told, is just the latest in a series of enhancements to a somewhat overdone connectivity and faster downloads, with the promise of eventually ushering in a Jetsons' world in which no one needs to work outside of advertising, why then is opposition to 5G such a big deal that it must be silenced so brutally?
In fact, ramming through legislation to facilitate 5G deployment is well documented in the case of France and China and was attempted in America, where there have been numerous reports from across the nation of covert installation of 5G equipment in schools during the shutdown. Activists have reported similar activity going on in the UK (where it is called "keywork"), across Canada, and in Israel, where authorities are said even to lie about the purpose of the work. This is an objective documented reality and, moreover, one that is of deep concern to citizens and should be brought to their attention because it violates their rights to informed consent and privacy. .
Regarding the reports of cell phone-tower burnings in the UK, John said he searched extensively but could find no evidence whatsoever of 5G protestors being to blame. He says the sabotage may have been done by agents provocateurs. One report (which can be downloaded here) suggests faulty wiring may be to blame. The ubiquitous surveillance cameras all over the UK should have caught the perpetrators, so the way the media is presenting it appears aimed at legitimizing a crackdown on legitimate activists and scientists that are now being called "conspiracy theorists". Most activists in the modern age realize that sabotage only harms their cause and do whatever they can to discourage it, including reporting anyone who attempts it.
What John as a former educator and researcher would recommend as a major protest action that would be possible even now during the lockdown and attendant pressure on the public, is to issue strong warnings to parents to keep their children out of any school that has 5G. Consider home-schooling if necessary.
Given what is known about the dangers of radiofrequency radiation and the fact that 5G has never been safety tested, under no circumstances should parents allow their kids to be subjected to 5G radiation all day five days a week at school. An NIH study showed "premature thinning of the cerebral cortex" in nine-year-old children who used "devices" for more than seven hours a day. What they meant by "premature" was that their brains looked like those of 60-year-olds with incipient dementia, losing brain cells. What will be crucial will be to make sure parents know that their kids' brains will be permanently damaged if they're exposed to a 5G environment at school, where they will be provided matching "devices".
To give an idea of the spin the media employ when presenting findings so devastating that they could ruin a highly profitable industry in which governments worldwide are very highly invested, the media report that was released implied that the results showed the children's brains to be developing extra rapidly. They made it out to be a good thing! Similarly, the rats that got cancer in the NTP cellphone study a few years ago were found to live longer than the others. It was a cinch for unscrupulous media reports to imply that cancer is therefore actually good for you. In fact it is great for corrupt "health" care/pharmaceutical rackets ensconced in various countries.
In his epic work The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenberg has explained the paradoxical phenomenon of animals with cancer living longer to be the result of lower metabolic functioning when an organism is chronically ill. Of course the media don't want you to realize that.
We were warned that Julian Assange's fate awaited anybody else attempting to provide crucially important factual information to the public. Well, that time may soon be upon us now. The fine arts of keeping a low profile, reading between the lines and memorizing the key details of entire manuscripts to revive them phoenix-like from the flames of a furnace shall then be dusted off and put to work once again.