President Donald Trump 2025 Inaugural Address FULL SPEECH President Donald Trump delivers his second inaugural address at the presidential inauguration ceremony in the U.S. Capitol ...
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US President Donald Trump during address January 20, 2025
Following Trump's inauguration he took action in several areas during his inaugural presidential address.
Here is an assessment of some of the actions taken with comments after each:
Deportation of millions- This was expected as it was one of Trump's main campaign issues. He's wanting to include children of illegal immigrants born in this country. This automatically makes them citizens of the US. This according to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. This idea by Trump isn't likely to pass muster even with a conservative Supreme Court majority.
Mexican drug cartels designated as terrorist organizations- This will most likely come before Congress and probably be enacted. How it will be enforced is another matter. These cartels operate in Mexico almost with impunity as public officials would be targeted if they went after them. Trump can't invade Mexico regardless of his desire to take on the cartels. Status quo regarding the cartels will likely remain.
Drilling for new gas and oil- This will also likely to be enacted by Congress. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts as well as Alaska are likely the areas for new permits. The Democrats may not like it but they won't be able to stop it.
Renew manufacturing in the US- That sounds great but outsourcing of manufacturing to 3rd-world countries has been occurring since the 1970s. The corporations have been in cahoots with both the Dems and Repubs in Congress who didn't interfere with the outsourcing. And the campaigns of these politicos are underwritten by the corporations. Reversing this isn't likely to happen despite all of Trump's rhetoric on the issue.
Tariffs on imports- This will raise the cost of imported items, which will fall on the backs of middle-class consumers in the US. Even a Republican majority in Congress isn't likely to go along with Trump on this. People would blame the politicos in their states. The politicos won't play Russian roulette on themselves just to satisfy Trump.
Only two genders, male and female- This is a return to common sense. The whole LGBT excess has gotten out of hand. Of course you don't discriminate against any people who want to see themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual. As for sports people born as a male shouldn't be permitted to compete against biologically born girls.
Society colorblind and merit based- Sadly society in the US is not colorblind and racism still exists. "Redlining" in housing still exists in the real estate industry. Preferential treatment for minorities may have gotten over the top as minorities that have excelled on their own merits are often seen as having benefitted from preferential treatment, which was hardly the case. We're a long way from becoming a colorblind society. Racism exists big time with many of Trump's followers.
Build up the military, but no involvement in wars or starting new wars- The US military already exists with bases in every state and over a thousand bases world wide. It's excessive already. Now no involvement in existing wars or starting new ones would be ideal if Trump can pull it off. It would be a breath of fresh air considering how sinister the US has been initiating illegal wars, assassinating legitimate leaders, initiating coups, resorting to torture, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention of suspects et al.
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