Patriarchy = top down "government" by men, dictionary definition of "government" .."a branch or service of the supreme authority of a state or nation, taken as representing the whole" A "service" of the state "representing the whole"? Not these days! To serve and represent the whole of humankind first of all both sexes would have to be represented. If it is not in the nature of women to be competitive enough to grasp and hold political power at the top, ( and I do not think women are built for such endeavor ), then there would have to be a way for women to hold power at the bottom of society. We would have to have a bottom-up process of governmental representation to complement our current top-down system of government. Men are as unfit ( generally ) for careful bottom up highly cooperative social/political power as women are unfit ( generally ) for highly competitive top down social/political power. ( this generalization does not encompass the variations of unique individuals who can not be characterized totally by the group they belong to ). That hypothetical top-down/bottom-up governmental system, and the dynamic emergence of cultural life that could spring up and flow between them, would constitute a true representation of both sexes and a government, more patriarchal at the top and more matriarchal at the bottom, that would become a new chapter in cosmic/cultural evolution on this planet. To "represent the whole" and both sexes, a government would have to be elected in a careful bottom up way where the power of the individual citizen was gently assembled in small groups and the voice of one individual could be heard and have an effect thus creating a real vote. And many such individuals would merge in some sort of group consensus to constitute a collective voice. For such intense interaction to be possible many things may be held in common and things like land and agricultural endeavor and corporations might become common property in a shared stewardship. ( the word for that kind of endeavor is "communism" ) Ancient tribal matriarchy and even now, not yet totally dead Indian tribes, constitute a true communism. Then this slow gentle assembly of a real representation of each citizen of a state could gather vertical momentum without losing the power of the horizontal egalitarian real society that momentum is supposed, ideally, to represent. And only after this social/political power was created bottom-up could there be a top-down representation build on this and that representation expect to be a true representation of the people. Carl Marx realized that the power of the Industrial Revolution was enslaving the masses. He realized that the old feudal order in Russian society and the privileged aristocracy was making it very difficult to free those masses. He was advised that it would be better to let a slow careful evolution of bottom- up people power to evolve. But Carl Marx was in a hurry and wanted quick results. He wanted a violent overthrow of the aristocracy and feudalism. To displace this he helped to create a totalitarian state that claimed to be for the masses but could not possibly be. Violent overthrow creates more violence not peace. And the masses are not served.
For a top down patriarchal government to force into existence a true communism is a ridiculous idea. Marx was not thinking straight. Communism is a voluntary group cooperation between individuals( usually involving communal property ). Enforcing voluntary cooperation is an oxymoron. Slow careful bottom-up highly spontaneous voluntary cooperative is needed. No totalitarian government could possibly force this into existence. Single-person true self-representative actions of each individual in true cooperative harmony and consensus with other individuals is needed. It is a bottom-up process. It is a more feminine than masculine process. A highly competitive top down political process is more masculine. Only a society that has a careful bottom- up egalitarian political process matching in strength the top down vertical political process can hope to represent the two sexes of the human species and thus guarantee real representative government of by and for the people. In Nature we see periodic inversionings. At the bottom we see space and time in their Einsteinian inversionings. Later and higher in evolution we see more inversionings taking place. We see many sperm swimming quickly upstream to find one largely immobile egg, The sperm, some think, help each other and one sperm wins the egg. Later we see many male deer fighting for a whole herd of females and one of them wins the whole herd. ( We see a "herd" of sperm going for one egg, and one male deer winning a herd of female deer. ) With apes and humans we see tribes. Herds and tribes are not at all the same thing. In some tribes the top female ( until we see tribes there was no such thing as a "top female" ) chooses which male wins and he becomes the favorite of all the females. ( We see a female choosing a mate and he being tribal favorite instead of males fighting and thereby winning a herd of females ) With some apes and early humans ( at one stage of tribal/social evolution ) the head female chose the head male and he mated with many of the tribal females. And later in human evolution the matriarchal tribe inverted to become a patriarchal tribe. The tribe then morphed to be an empire or mega-tribe. The male was once again on top. The human female, once possible head of a tribe, lost that position to become a lone female in a patriarchal nuclear family. But, as this is a universe of periodic inversionings, it should be easy to see that this pattern would not hold forever. When the patriarchal/agricultural/civil revolution inverted and became the Industrial revolution patriarchy was doomed to be overhauled. The feminine is due to come back to a much more prominent place in human evolution. A more communistic matriarchal bottom up social organization must now form and eventually mate with and merge with the more masculine political structure or top down civil patriarchy. There is a phrase "Ontogeny recapitulates Phelogeny". It means that the individual organism is a recapitulation or re-expression, of the species in its development. Or in other words the individual is a recapitulation of the group. Asexual reproduction does this completely. The daughter cells are a total genetic recapitulation of the mother cell split in two. Then sexual reproduction stood on the shoulders of asexual reproduction and that made it possible for a genetically unique individual to happen and at that point evolution took off to create a genetic Eden of an immense variety of species. Cultural evolution has now made many patriarchal societies.There is little uniqueness between them. They are mostly carbon copies of each other with slightly different languages and customs and religions. They are at this point inappropriate for further human evolution. For human evolution to take off it must be that a new fusion of the archetypal masculine energies of the cosmos and the archetypal feminine energies of the cosmos find new expression. The "ontogeny" of a single human tribe must not be a recapitulation of the "phelogeny" of the meg-tribe known as a patriarchal state. Each human tribe must break free of the old dying patriarchy by simply being engaged in an intensely person/transpersonal tribal life where that tribe sees itself as a unique global cell merging with other unique global cells to make a new organism i.e. sentient planet. Now let me say what I said before. "To 'represent the whole' and both sexes a government would have to be elected in a careful bottom up way where the power of the individual citizen was gently assembled in small groups and the voice of one individual could be heard and have an effect thus creating a real vote. The slow gentle assembly of a real representation of each citizen of a state could gather vertical momentum without losing the power of the horizontal egalitarian real society that momentum is supposed, ideally, to represent. That would constitute a true representation of both sexes and a government more patriarchal at the top and more matriarchal at the bottom could be created." And the fusion of the two will make the very first androgynous double sexed social/political system that human society has ever created. And with that a new global/local ( now electronic ) village will appear. Each cell is unique in a bio-body. For a cultural body to assemble to create a planetary/ cultural body, each tribe must be a hologram of the whole planet and a unique cell thereof simultaneously. Once upon a time long ago there were only mother cells splitting asexually to be two genetically identical daughter cells. The genetic male had not yet been created with his ability to introduce genetically unique individuals. And now we are getting ready to see another inversioning. A new mostly feminine tribe will soon appear in cultural evolution to introduce a feminine tribal uniqueness. When the female of the human species got isolated in the patriarchal nuclear family she had to invent some kind of person uniqueness to survive. She was no longer simply a member of a tribe of females. She had to develop some sort of individuality. Now retaining and transcending that uniqueness at one and the same time the female of the human species will coalesce in new kinds of tribes, each one unique, to give us the next stage of cultural evolution and a globally peaceful planet. If the human female does not do this the human species will go extinct. We need for "EVE" to reinvent herself.