Here Kitty, kitty! Oh Sean?? When will you decide to man up and get a pair, show up the ManCow (sp?), honor your pledge, and be waterboarded for charity to help those wonderful men and women who DO stand up. Even as you shirk from your pledge, your dark, inhumane soul is on display. You owe our sailors and soldiers and their loved ones a donation! A donation made with your admission that waterboarding is inhumane and is, in actuality, torture; and your admission you thought, even if just for a moment, you would die and you were in real fear. Once you have agreed to be waterboarded, I feel you should truly understand what a prisoner of war is feeling and experiencing, be they enemy or friendly, during the interrogation procedure. To that end, to give you a realistic experience of what might be waiting for a soldier after being captured and taken prisoner of war, you should experience the WHOLE "experience". Therefore, once you have decided to man up and agree to be "waterboarded as those who were waterboarded in Guantanamo Bay, i.e. Abu Zubaydah and/or Khalid Sheik Mohammed (sp?)", you will be taken "into custody" at a time chosen by the person who is to waterboard you. You will be taken to a "safe facility unknown to anyone except the waterboarder and appropriate media, medical, supervisory and technical crew." While there your interrogator and waterboarder will treat you as if you were being held for interrogation, after being captured in a war zone and taken as an "enemy combatant". You will then be waterboarded. Unlike the ManCow, you will not be walked through this step by step. You will not be told when the water is going to hit your face, you will not have any portion of the process explained to you, because YOU ARE, for the purposes of this exercise, AN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES! AND YOU WILL BE TREATED ACCORDINGLY! You will be filmed during this entire exercise and, once you have conceded this is torture, you will be released and, in a way, rewarded. Then, you will know, deep in that dark heart of yours, that what we did to those prisoners was neither humane or human; but was, inextricably wrong and endangers each and every soldier who protects you and those you love from the big bad things that go bump in the night. And they deserve better! Admit that “enhanced interrogation” deserves our indignation and disgust, and that our soldiers should never be undermined by those too ignorant to understand that for every second Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and others were tortured, more and more recruits were finding a reason and signing up. Believe this because it is the truth - remember those in our country who, after witnessing the horror of 9/11, bravely joined up to ensure we remain one of the brightest beacons in the world, evidencing the honor to challenge those who are not to change their ways. Every young adult in the Muslim Extremist’s world sees these devices of terror and pain and hears the call to stand up for their beliefs, their family, their friends, their countrymen and their country. Don’t you understand that by torturing our prisoners of war, you have contributed to the Islamic Jihadist’s cause? You have provided him a reason to fight! So, back to you Sean, when will you admit that you, and others like you (i.e. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Condolezza Rice, John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales and Jay Bybee, have given Islamic Jihadists THE reason to fight? When you do, Sean, you’ll finally understand that torture is venomous to all who touch it, and then, you will have understood the reason laws exist and that the foundations of our liberty are in their enforcement. Maybe then, Sean, you, and all those like you, can change, too.