In college, I majored in history and minored in psychology. I seemed to be drawn to what happened and who was responsible. In my adult years, I began to zero in on contemporary history and when the Internet came along, I found that I had the perfect resource to try to determine why events of the world seemed to be retarding rather than advancing mankind's attempts toward progress. I examined in detail the usual suspects -- politicians, corporations, bankers and even the broad category of humans who are psycho/sociopaths. They all seemed to be linked by a unified purpose, but I could never quite find the common "glue" that held them all together.
During George W. Bush's second campaign against Kerry for President, there was a lot of interest in their memberships in The Skull and Bones. I became intrigued and took note of how influential the S&B members were, early in the 20th Century. They seemed to infuse themselves into the higher echelons of finance, politics, banking, media, the military and various other critical aspects of corporate power throughout the 20th Century.
As I focused on and traced the career paths of various powerful and influential individuals during the last century, I became aware of the simultaneous and nearly continuous escalation of war. It became apparent to me, that WWI was but a precursor to WWII and that the United States has kept some type of war going ever since WWII. Some were short and small, others were major and long drawn out slaughters. There was the Cold War, the Korean "police action," the Viet Nam War, Grenada, wars all over South America and Panama with the War on Drugs which "bled" over into Los Angeles through the Iran/Contra affair , The Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq and the War on Terror " to just hit the major ones that come to mind. In positions of power and integral to ALL of these wars, were members of the S&B!
Now hear me out! Don't write me off as some wild "Conspiracy Nut" who has had his head hung out to dry by Alex Jones. The facts are that there WAS a group of these individuals who were supporting Hitler before WWII and they also attempted to form a coup to remove FDR from power. After WWII, a small group of them (primarily the Dulles brothers ) persuaded Truman to maintain and integrate the remnants of the Nazi spy network into a new intelligence gathering agency which was to be used as a bulwark against the upcoming Russian Communist threat during the then new Cold War -- and thus was born the CIA.
With all of his military and political experience, and by the time he was ready to leave the Presidency, Eisenhower was able to identify and warn us of the monster that was lurking inside our government. Obviously, he was not prepared or willing to just name the beast outright. His original notes for his final speech used the term, "Military/Industrial/ Congressional Complex." However, his aides convinced him that including "Congress" in the phrase, would be too confrontational and create undue dissension. As a result, Ike's entire warning -- as alarming as it was at the time -- was actually too weak and badly suffering from misdirection, by not actually naming and/or including the CIA in that famous statement.
John Kennedy came into office as a veteran of WWII and a moderate Cold War Warrior. Right off the bat, the CIA tested him by tossing him a bobbie-trapped boondoggle that ended up being called, The Bay Of Pigs. Ike had first looked at the plan and after authorizing the initial funding, handed it off to Kennedy. JFK considered it and then told the CIA, that they could proceed without any direct or acknowledged support from the US Military, since he didn't want to risk the possibility of initiating an escalating conflict with Cuba. The CIA had decided that Kennedy was weak and would, if push came to shove, acquiesce to their demands if the invasion got into trouble. As history has shown -- they were wrong, Kennedy didn't come to their rescue in a timely manner and, partially due to bad intelligence and faulty execution, the mission was a failure.
Kennedy was furious and fired the head of the CIA -- John Foster Dulles (who LBJ later appointed to the Warren Commission). He remarked, at the time that he wanted, -- to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." The Bay Of Pigs fiasco led to the even more dramatic and world threatening nuclear confrontation with Russian that was called the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was during this crisis that Kennedy was transformed from a Cold War Warrior into the first and last US President to rebuke war and seek international peace. Additionally, just before he was killed, he had begun taking steps to remove the small number of military advisors the US had in Viet Nam. As a result of JFK's 180 degree transformation regarding war, he ran headlong into deadly conflict with the CIA/Military/Corporate/Industrial/Congressional/Media Complex and consequently, from the perspective of the War Mongers, had to be eliminated.
Today, what every concerned citizen should take into consideration, is how much larger and more powerful this new complex has become, since 1963. The CIA now has -- through it's out of control information gathering agency, the NSA -- the ability to use intimidation, coercion, duress, physical violence, oppression, death threats, family violence, etc., to compel enough of those in positions of power to submit and bend to the will of these modern day fascists, in their obsessive drive to control ALL of our lives. They ultimately seek international slave labor!
Much of what I've stated here, can be confirmed by reading an amazing and recently well documented book called, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters . An excellent review is available, by clicking here . As I have alluded, we should not be as concerned with the nuts and bolts of exactly how Kennedy was killed, but rather by whom and why. In any murder case, determining the motive is usually a primary factor in arriving at a solution. If one can step back and comprehend the vast amounts of money, power, control and domination that accrue in wars, then perhaps one can begin to conceive the enormity and risk involved in rooting out and destroying this group of psycho/sociopaths -- who are devouring mankind, along with our planet.
If we are going to throw off these deadly parasites, we MUST do it together! We can no longer allow them to continually dissipate our massing power by instigating dissension among ourselves. Our only hope is through unity of cause. We must gather the shreds of democracy that we still have and use them to vote into our public offices -- all across the land -- representatives who are legally bound and liable to do our will. Exactly how can this be accomplished? I'll delve into that in great detail with my next missive to the masses.
(Article changed on July 26, 2015 at 17:04)