In a report titled
"Energy Darwinism" - Citibank has estimated that the cost of inaction on
Climate Change will aggregate to 44 trillion dollars by the year 2060. A
modest 2 trillion dollars in damage could be spared by 2040, they
suggest, if corrective actions are taken immediately. Savings become significantly greater, if more intense actions are undertaken.
costs of Climate Change will be suffered not by the Americans who have
direct ties to its creation - not by the fossil fuel industry heads, not
by Exxon and its propaganda campaign, not by the multinational shipping
companies, not by the big banks who provide capital for new mines,
pads, and ports.
The costs will be yet another
burden on the youth who have the least dirty hands in the matter. The
costs will be suffered by Americans at the bottom of the economic
ladder, the 50% of Americans living near or in poverty will hurt for the
actions of others.
This sad reality is a patent example of injustice. No nation can sustain itself without ensuring justice to its citizens.
report suggests that in order to successfully mitigate the worst case
scenario, 1/3 of the world's oil reserves, 1/2 of its gas, and 4/5 of its coal
must all remain in the ground.
What may sound
radical today, will in hindsight from 2030 look like common sense. An
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.
Jill Stein, the Green Party Presidential candidate, who will appear on the ballot in 48 states this election, has presented a first-in-class solution for the Climate Change crisis, The #GreenNewDeal.
The Green New Deal is a war-time call to action, America will conduct a rapid, inclusive, and sensible transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy by the year 2030. 20 million jobs are proposed to facilitate this plan. Corresponding repair and modernization of public transit, agriculture systems, active resource conservation systems, and critical infrastructure are also required components of the plan.
When the Hitler rose
to lethal power and presented an existential threat to America, and our
Allies, we responded with conviction, with haste, and with the unique
capacity that only our Great Nation holds.
only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing. It is America's time to once again lead the world back to security. Climate Change is the new
existential threat to America and our allies, we must act now.