I hate to put it bluntly, but the Middle East peace process is just that -- a "process." Like politics in Washington D.C., it is designed to go on endlessly with those involved talking, talking, talking, while at the same time behind the curtain, doing what Israel wants. Finally, Israel, Palestine, U.S. leaders -- and the media -- give up in sheer exhaustion, with nothing being done.
Then, the "process" starts all over again.
This is no accident. It is part of a con job set up primarily by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his facetiously labeled "shuttle diplomacy," which was no more than kabuki theater -- a distraction to lull both Arab and American publics into inaction. Sadly, President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are continuing this process with soaring rhetoric and pseudo action which has led to false faith in America, and more disappointment than one can imagine throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds. It has led, and will continue to lead to more Muslims taking up arms, bombs and other ways of retaliating against Israel and its American allies as well as Arab and Muslim leaders who concede to Israel and American demands.
This peace process, or con job, was interrupted only
once, by the brave and Christian President Jimmy Carter when he got the real
Camp David Accords set up and signed in 1979. But even then, Carter was betrayed by Israel's
Prime Minister Menachem Begin when he tried to hold Begin to his word. This process contributed to Carter's defeat,
as well as attacks from the AIPAC-led Zionist groups in America, the ridiculous
challenge by the egotistical Ted Kennedy and the blathering night after night
count-down by Ted Koppel's "America held hostage, day..." regarding Iran's
taking more than 60 Americans hostage from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
So here we are, mired yet again in a Middle East peace
"process." Unfortunately, unless Obama -- or someone -- reins Israel in, we are
in for bloodbaths all over the world. America and Israel are the guilty parties
because they refuse to work for a real and just peace in the Middle East.
If you have any doubts about our duplicity,
see the previous work of mine
as well as my friend, Robert
Fisk, about the FACT that America has never worked for peace or
democracy in the Middle East, especially in Palestine. We do not recognize Hamas, the legally elected
government of Palestine, but continue clinging to the fallen Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas who will continue in this charade, or con job, until the
whole house, including the American house, falls down.
What I say is sad, but so true.