When I started writing about the political situation in the United States I thought that maybe I could change the direction that our country was moving towards. I was very naà ¯ve when I first started writing and I thought that my words would be a changing influence on the American people. I am no longer young and naà ¯ve, in fact after having four strokes and reaching the age of 67 I realize that what I write, and what I say, make absolutely no difference in what happens to our country. I thought that because I had served in the military for 20 years that maybe my voice would be something that people would listen to. I realize that I am just another voice of dissent in a country that is gone totally insane.
I want to explain a little about myself. This may be controversial but when I was young, from the age of 17 until my mid-20s, I took LSD and other psychedelic substances. I'm not espousing using mind-altering drugs, but it did change my perception of what life really is. Using psychedelics, I saw beyond the hyperbole and meaningless divisions that the government has been using to divide the American public. Not only did the use of psychedelics enhance my understanding of what the government was doing to influence the way Americans looked at the world, but my time in the military gave me an insight into what was really going on in Vietnam and how the soldiers understood that they were in a no-win situation and that our government was lying to its people and committing atrocities. The truth was that many soldiers, the enemy wasn't just the NVA and the Vietcong, but it was the very people that were sending them into combat. We can all understand those who were against the war but those who believed that were fighting a just cause couldn't understand why our government put them in harm's way without the backup that the soldiers needed These insights into the war in Vietnam carried on in my mind until this present day.
Now we find ourselves in the age of Donald Trump and a right-wing populist movement that hangs on his every word as is it was gospel. I am not a person that hates Donald Trump. I would much rather have Donald Trump as president than Hillary Clinton. If Hillary Clinton was President, we would already be in World War III. One only must look at what she accomplished in Libya This isn't to say that Donald Trump is perfect, many of us know that he has obvious has psychological problems that threaten to undermine his presidency. I can only say in his defense and that is that he is not completely controlled by the intelligence agencies and the military-industrial complex. Notice I use the word "completely". He is, of course, controlled to a degree, by the same people that controlled Barack Obama, George Bush, and William Jefferson Clinton. This country has been controlled by the intelligence services and the military-industrial complex since Harry Truman took the reins of government.
The people of the United States understand that our government does not act in the best interests of the American people and it does not act in the best interests of the planet. One only must look to movies and television shows that people have been watching. In almost every plot the United States has been the antagonist. There are reasons for this and I have included an article that I only half finished because I felt I was preaching to the choir. I am really getting tired of writing about how the United States has not adhered to our Constitution or to The Bill of Rights or to the general public welfare of the citizens of the United States. There are many people were writing about this and I just don't want to be another voice just singing along.
The people that control the government are working overtime to influence public opinion. They champion "so-called" progressives so that people can feel they have adequate representation. The fact is, there are no real "progressives" that adequately reflect the way the people of this country feel about their own government. There are some members of the Senate and the House of Representatives that do what they can to act in the people's interests, but these people are beholden to the real powers that control the government of the United States. If the so-called "progressives" really believed in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, they would stop the prosecution "of whistleblowers" and those who reveal the infringement of our civil liberties by the NSA. This "is a red flag" that people should be particularly aware of. The demonization of nations such as Venezuela, Iran and even Russia are also red flags that people should also be aware of. The utilization of nations that are considered "enemies" is just one way to constantly feed the military-industrial complex. We all know that we have almost 1000 American bases in foreign countries and we are actively at war in over seven nations.
I have attached an unfinished article detailing the many lies and deceptions that United States government has engaged in. I would just like to finish by saying that Donald Trump is not the enemy regardless of what Rachel Maddow and the people in the mainstream media are telling you. The truth is that he may well be insane, but he is not the person that we should be wary of. The people that we should be afraid of are people that were neither elected or in the public spotlight. These people are entrenched in our intelligence agencies and defense apparatus. We may never know their names, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous. To quote Edward R. Murrow, good night "and good luck".
(unfinished article)
Everybody Knows: The Last Gasp for Democracy
I don't write much anymore, and I have my reasons. The main reason is that because I have written so many articles that the words I write are starting to ring hollow in my own ears. I feel like the things I write about have been said so many times in so many ways by so many different writers that I feel that not only are my words redundant, but I also feel them doing nothing but preaching to the choir.
The only time that I write these days is when I feel that I must do what I can when I see a chance to write something new, not just complain about how things are. That's why the title of this article is that everybody knows what happening. Even though everybody knows, what people may not know is that there are so many people, so many citizens, relatives and friends throughout this country that do not know.
The reasons are obvious. This country is awash with weapons of mass distractions. Most people only read the headlines and watch the soundbites from the mainstream media. I too sometimes find myself distracted by the news the day. I find myself reading the tweets from the president and watching YouTube videos of the latest scandals rocking the White House and celebrities with foot-in-mouth disease. All I can say my defense, and in defense of others, that it's hard not to be distracted by all that is going on.
I'm not trying to sound pedantic and I don't want to lecture anyone because I feel that the people who read my articles already know about what is going on, but I also want to write this because there are things we can do about it at this particular junction in history.
I want to reiterate some of the things that everybody knows so I can put this in the proper context.
I want to start with something that everybody may not know, and that is that Franklin don't know Roosevelt was not a saint, even though he did some great things for our country. The reason I am saying that he was not the enlightened person that most Americans believe he was is because at the time he became president, this nation was in turmoil and the threat of people turning their backs on our capitalist society was real and the stakes were very high.
When the World War I veterans marched in Washington to demand the bonuses they were promised, the government under President Hoover called out the Army under Gen. MacArthur, and it reached such a turmoil that many of these veterans were shot and killed by the very Army they had served with in World War 1. Revolution was in the air and socialism and communism promise relief from the capitalist system that everyone was suffering under during the Great Depression.
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