There's no doubt that we live in political times that are highly charged; Right-wing pundits dominate the radio and TV while the majority of Americans believe that America is heading in the wrong way by a whopping 81%, yet what we are assailed with on a regular basis are the 19% that support the Bush administration and seem intent on starting another war - proof positive that the White House's propaganda machine and corporate America are bound and determined to have their way in spite of overwhelming condemnation from the majority of America. It seems that "the people"- no longer have a voice, ignored by Congress and the Presidency - and a Speaker of The House that for all practical purposes, appears to be a rabid Bush supporter rather than a Democrat - a symptom that America is definitely headed on the wrong path, compliments of a Congress and Judiciary that have turned their back on their oaths of office and seem intent on destroying our economy, our belief(s) in the constitution, and the rule of law.
To the rest of the world, it must appear that America is imploding from within - and our enemies, who are real and standing on the sidelines wondering how to deal with a military giant that seems out of control, are likely in hushed meetings and conferences asking themselves how 19% of the population have obviously taken control over what used to be the world's premier superpower which now is in disarray and chaos; our Congress is rubber-stamping whatever the Bush administration wants, and Democrats like Pelosi and Hoyer are giving in to a lame-duck that still has the ability to plunge the US into another war that could thrust the Middle-East into a "ball of fire"-. We know that the fear of war is real, especially when the United Nation's nuclear watchdog chief stated that attacking Iran could force him to resign:
El Baradei: Mideast could burn if Iran attacked
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
Sat Jun 21, 11:59 AM ETDUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief warned in comments aired Saturday that any military strike on Iran could turn the Mideast into a "ball of fire"- and lead the country to a more aggressive stance on its controversial nuclear program.
The comments by Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, came in an interview with an Arab television station aired a day after U.S. officials said they believed recent large Israeli military exercises may have been meant to show Israel's ability to hit Iran's nuclear sites.
"In my opinion, a military strike will be the worst "- it will turn the Middle East to a ball of fire,"- ElBaradei said on Al-Arabiya television. It also could prompt Iran to press even harder to seek a nuclear program, and force him to resign, he said. MUCH MORE
How have 19% of the right-wing haters of democracy and freedom managed to take over our airways and to push against the majority of America for another war that could easily escalate to World War III??? Why aren't Americans refusing to buy gas that is inflated by oil speculators and staging a general strike, now, while we still have the ability to stop the warmongers from destroying the rest of our economy and sentencing our children to a future that may entail the destruction of democracy and freedom is the United States? I support, but they propose to strike on September the 11th, and if you read the news the MSM won't reveal, it indicates that September the 11th may be too late to stop the carnage that Bush and Cheney are planning while our Congress refuses to honor their oath of office and impeach the traitors that are attempting to destroy the American way of life!
The leading Neo-conservative, Bill Kristol, is stating that Bush will attack Iran if it looks like Obama may win the Presidency. If a general strike is planned for 9-11-08, why do we believe the Bush administration will wait until then to begin their attack - especially when Obama is leading McCain in almost all of the polls?
Kristol: Bush might attack Iran if he thinks Obama will win
By Andrew McLemore, Sunday, 22 June 2008
President Bush is more likely to attack Iran if he thinks Senator Barack Obama may be elected, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol told FOX News Sunday morning.
Kristol added that if Senator John McCain was going to win the presidency, Bush would "think it more appropriate"- to let him deal with the issue.
Senators McCain and Obama have often sparred about whether military force or diplomacy should be the primary way of dealing with Iran, according to an article by the Los Angeles Times. MUCH MORE
Further, an ex-CIA Agent, Ray McGovern, recently published an editorial wherein he stated that an attack against Iran could be launched in "late summer"- or "early fall."-
McGovern: Iran attack coming soon
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