By Hamma Mirwaisi
The tactical alliances between Sunni and Shi'a Islamic terrorist forces can be an obstacle for the US and Russian in the Middle East and part of Asia.
Turkish Islamic Government of Turkey lost the war against PKK forces in Turkey and Syria. Turkish Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who wanted to revive Ottoman Islamic Sunni Empire is desperate now. Because PKK forces defeated his military forces on the Zagros mountain ranges from the Black Sea to Northern Iran.
Turkish Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan give in to Iran-Iraq Islamist Shi'a Government to attack corrupt mafia families of Barzani and Talabani tribal forces in Iraq. Barzani and Talabani mafia forces lost 51% of the 'Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (KRG) land in few hours, while the US and UK observed their performances. It is clear for the world that so-called Peshmerga forces of Barzani and Talabani are nothing but useless tribal forces.
Kurdish people forces loyal to Abdullah Ocalan will fight the Islamist terrorist to protect Kurdish people in Kurdistan. YPG and YPJ of Kurdish forces defeated ISIS Islamic Sunni terrorist forces of Turkey-Qatar in Syria with help of the US air power.
The US is not providing air power to PKK forces in Turkey because they are members of NATO so far. But the US could be forced to help PJAK Kurdish people forces in Iran because the Islamist Iranian Shi'a could be more dangerous than North Korea for the US interest in the Middle East and part of Asia.
The Turkish-Iranian alliances could destabilize Russian and Europe before reaching the US territories. Kurdish people forces in Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq need the white Caucasian people's support in the world to survive Persian of Tamil, Arabs of Africa, and Turks of Mongolia as occupiers of the white Caucasian land.
The US and EU countries are under the influence of Arabs oil to defend the white Caucasian Kurdish people in the Middle East and part of Asia. But the white Caucasian people can help Kurds by forcing those Government who sold out the white Caucasian people in last two thousand years. The land belongs to the white Caucasian people of the world.
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