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The ODNI says that this slide shows ground scarring at two multiple rocket launch sites oriented in the direction of Ukrainian military units.
(Image by Office of the Director of National Intelligence) Details DMCA
Should We Believe a Known Liar?
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is an known liar:
- The author of the Patriot Act and former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee -- Congressman James Sensenbrenner -- says that Clapper should be prosecuted for lying to Congress and the American people about NSA spying.
- One of the co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission -- Lee Hamilton -- agrees.
- As does Congressman Tom McClintock.
- 7 members of the House Judiciary Committee (Sensenbrenner, Issa, Franks, Farenthold, Gowdy, Labrador and Poe ) have asked the Department of Justice to investigate Clapper for perjury.
- Senator Rand Paul says that Clapper's crimes have hurt America far more than Snowden's.
One of the nation's top military and constitutional law experts -- Professor Jonathan Turley -- writes:
"National Intelligence Director James Clapper appeared before Congress and lied about the program. He later said that he gave the least untruthful statement he could think of. But it was nevertheless untrue and potentially a crime for which he could be prosecuted."
And a huge majority of Americans agree that Clapper should be prosecuted for perjury.
Should we believe a known liar?
Clapper now claims that satellite photos show that Russia fired artillery into Ukraine
The Washington Post reports:
"The Obama administration on Sunday released overhead surveillance images it said were evidence that Russia has fired artillery rounds from its side of the border against Ukrainian military units.
"The grainy photographs, taken between Wednesday and Saturday, are labeled as indicating fire from multiple rocket launchers inside Russia and targets they have struck inside Ukraine.
"The Pentagon and State Department first accused Russian artillery of firing directly into Ukraine on Thursday. The charges were repeated Friday, although no evidence was offered.
"The high-altitude images released Sunday 'provide evidence that Russian forces have fired across the border at Ukrainian military forces, and that Russia-backed separatists have used heavy artillery, provided by Russia, in attacks on Ukrainian forces from inside Ukraine,' according to labels on the pictures by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence."
In other words, Clapper is the one behind this evidence. Well, maybe not the guy ultimately behind it "
Zero Hedge notes:
"The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence released satellite images taken by the private civilian company Digital Globe (and thus not government sourced).