I've posted links to Dr. Guy McPherson several times recently, along with videos and articles from other climatologists, but I thought this one particularly well done.
Guy hails from northern Idaho, and taught at the University of Arizona for 21 years, writing books and articles, examining facts, data, and articles from seemingly everywhere. What makes him particularly relevant is not only his remarkable background in so many areas, but his speaking truth that other academicians would get fired or ostracized for and that go frightfully well beyond folks such as Bill McKibben or James Hansen.
He pulls no punches, has a great slide show, a wonderful sense of humor (especially for someone addressing the topic of abrupt climate change and near-term extinction), and is clearly the great teacher he was lauded and several times awarded for (before speaking too much truth).
There's a follow-up video that comes automatically for the interesting Q and A period afterwards (or so it is on my computer). Guy has his own website, Nature Bats Last, easily found, with much more information. Having been through six years of college (biology and education, and much more as needed for continued certification), I feel qualified to say this is one of the best teachers I've come across. For those who prefer to read than watch videos, as has been true for me in years past, check his website, though I do most highly recommend this video that speaks of events that already are affecting your life.
(Article changed on June 2, 2018 at 18:14)
(Article changed on June 2, 2018 at 18:17)