I recently spent several days traveling around eastern Idaho. For the two weeks that I've been in Boise I've had the opportunity to hear people's stories about how they've been affected by a variety of social justice issues. Fracking, health care, the economy, LGBT rights and so on were just a few of the issues that people have told me are of concern to them.
I wanted to see what people outside of Idaho's most populous city had to say and the stories were remarkably similar.
I see the people of Idaho rising up in objection to the serious injustices in their state. Most of those injustices go forward with impunity. The corrupt corporations -- along with the manipulative and lying politicians in the Idaho Statehouse -- are trampling all over individual's right to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Citizens are marginalized while the criminal activity and double dealing from government is allowed to continue unimpeded. I believe that the Idahoans are beginning to rise and will continue to rise and speak truth to power at whatever personal risk.
After hearing the stories, which I'll be sharing over the next several days and weeks, I figured I needed to give time to the elected officials in Idaho. I'm not talking about the legislators in Boise. With the exception of a handful, they have pretty much proven that they're out for themselves and their friends and will do pretty much anything they need to do to benefit financially.
I'm talking about the folks that Idaho has sent to Washington D.C. The representatives and senators from The Gem State. Instead of writing them individually, I thought I'd write them and let you peek over my shoulder.
I am a freelance photojournalist and my work appears consistently in several national news outlets. I've been spending the past two weeks in Idaho collecting stories from people that are concerned, scared and angry.
They are concerned and scared because they see healthcare as being unaffordable, the environment being ruined by the spectre of hydraulic fracturing that is knocking on the door and citizens continually being more and more marginalized.
The anger comes from the perception that you are not doing anything to help alleviate the economic suffering that is occurring in Idaho. Since I want to be fair, I want to give you a chance to tell your side of the story. I'll give you a simple question and I would like a simple answer. Having spent many, many days and months working inside the beltway and doing stories from inside the Capitol, The White House, each of the House and Senate Office buildings as well as that cozy little Capitol Club to which you are a member, I'm familiar with the "government-ese" and political mumbo jumbo on which Capitol Hill seems to thrive. As I said, I'll give you a simple question"just give me a simple answer.
Will you tell me the top three things you have done for your constituents in Idaho over the past twelve months?
I'm looking forward to your response to this inquiry and, as I know you're busy, I'll give you or your Chief of Staff 72 hours to answer. So, let's see. Can we agree on a response by Wednesday, June 6th by five o'clock?