The process of forming a new government in Latvia has become an exciting political show. And show must go on. And it really goes on. After three unsuccessful attempts to find a candidate for the prime-minister post who could overcome disagreement between political parties, President Vejonis hopes that Kri... jÄ nis Kari..."... after all will gain support and will be able to form the government.
Though this question remains open, it is already known that For Development/For alliance (after 2018 Latvian parliamentary election it is the 4th largest party in Latvia) has decided to support a government proposed by the New Unity's Kri... jÄ nis Kari..."... and is delegating Artis Pabriks, Juris P... ce and Ilze Vi..."Ä ele for ministerial positions, told the alliance's representative Laila Spali..."a.
For Development/For proposes Pabriks for the position of defence minister, Puce for environmental protection and regional development minister and Vi..."Ä ele for health minister.
For Development/For co-chairman P... ce believes that Pabriks' previous job experience as minister of foreign affairs and defence makes him a good candidate for defence minister and vice-premier. Pabriks would be able to "successfully introduce a comprehensive defence system in Latvia, coordinating the work of various institutions and cooperation between the public and private sector."
It must be noted, that Artis Pabriks is a controversial person in Latvian politics. Though he has some political support, Latvians do not like him. His statements very often became headlines and were severely criticised by his colleges and ordinary people.
For example in 2006 he had an idea to create movies and documentaries that objectively would reflect the history of the country. Another question is how this objectiveness was understood. "I think, that Latvia is not so poor and we could allocate at least two million euros ...", said Pabriks in the interview to NeatkarÄ gÄ . Latvians did not like the idea to spend money on its realization.
He also has not achieved yet one of his aims: to persuade Russia to accept the fact of Latvia's occupation. He wanted public recognition, and he insisted that Russia conduct public survey or referendum where he hopes people admit Latvia's occupation. His political incompetence is visible to the naked eye. Russia will never rewrite its history and will never admit something that downplays its significance on the international arena.
But the worst thing in the internal affairs in Latvia is lack of new politicians, lack of new ideas and thus lack of new possibilities to male life better.
Latvians who want to see new faces in politics could not really expect changes in the defence system because of a new "old" minister. Everything will remain the same. Why then a new government?