by SnowBunny_01
This morning I read some lovely thoughts about sincerity in an old Magnificat - a wonderful liturgical booklet many of us use daily at liturgy. Today I spent time reading a reflection on SINCERITY by Louis Lavelle. I thought it fit in perfectly re my tribute to Wolf 527.
Among Lavelle's worthwhile thoughts on sincerity - these two were expecially poignant for me. "Sincerity liberates us from every preoccupation with public opinion or with the effect we
are producing. Sincerity challenges all the voices which call to me from without, and commands me to descend into my heart's heart."
So, despite the general indifference of many people re the importance of wolves in general and of Wolf 527's life in particular, this is written for people who respect all life.
I thought it beautiful and appropriate that her life was eulogized by Linda Camac on Facebook. I make no apologies for caring for the life of this special wolf or any wolf for
that matter. I read so many times in my Liturgy of the Hours prayer book, which is based on scripture, that God cares for all His creatures. The sad question is- why don't we?
As we know- humans are not all created equally. Some of us will distinguish ourselves with doing great things. But the majority of us will basically live our everyday lives just trying to lead good and productive lives, and that should makes us happy and fulfilled.
So with the wolves- they are not all the same. Wolf 527 was special, and she was recognized as being brave and intelligent. This alpha wolf of the Cottonwood Pack in Yellowstone stood out from the rest of the pack because she was more cautious than most and employed unusual strategies others did not seem to have in order to avoid dangers.
I'm not sure why the wolves were tracked but some wolves were and each was given a number. Some were collared as was she. Yet despite the collar, she always managed to elude being found.
Wolf 527 was born the daughter of 21 and 42 of the famed Druid Pack. In time, she struck out on her own with female sibling 217. In 2007 a male found in her the qualities he was searching for, and she became the alpha of this pack and a very protective mother as well. Yesterday was Mother's Day and wolves are mothers too. The people who shot her didn't care that she was a mother.
Linda Camac tells us here the disheartening last chapter of her life:
"The day came in 2009 when all of her experience and her strategies could not save her as she and nine other wolves were shot dead in the back country of Montana- just outside the boundary of Yellowstone National Park. In one blind, thoughtless moment of senseless violence, the light of great Wolf 527 went out for all time. All hoped that 527 would not die in vain and that the wolves of Yellowstone would be further protected -- but in actuality, they are more at risk today than in 2009. To Wolf 527 -- the world is better because you were here...."
Thank you Linda for eulogizing Wolf 527. She loved her life just as much as we love our own because God put that desire in all animals. How sad that we only think of ourselves.
Linda also posted on Facebook a beautiful picture of Oliver Starr and Aqutaq, his beautiful white and gentle wolf. She writes that Starr shares his life with Aqutaq in a life mission of education and telling the truth about wolves. Starr is knowledgeable about them and is an eloquent public speaker. Together they are a force for saving the wolf. You can follow them both on twitter - @wolfwlkr if you believe that the story of wolves is important
to you.
"This we know: the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like blood that unites us all.
Man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."