To anyone paying attention there are some issues which are pushing their way to the front and making themselves unavoidable. Because of the times and the issues, they can be missed or overlooked as minute details. As we say down south, the cheese is sliding off the cracker, the train ain't pulling all the way into the station.
The Orange one never has had too tight a grip on the steering wheel of life. Like a college football star, he's been pampered for most of his life. He's lived in the Elvis syndrome, where Elvis tells a joke, and everyone laughs not because its funny but because its Elvis. But Elvis thinks the joke is funny and that everyone marvels at his wit. Pampered and raised to believe he is a special person, he believes. Perched on the lowest wrung of Hollywood he takes pride in his ratings. Unaware that he's just another TV pitchman selling dish soap or dog food who could easily be replaced by Tom Bergeron in twenty minutes. The Cheeto is a game show host who thinks he's Edison.
He takes credit for anything that will bring him publicity and openly denies responsibility for things he's clearly responsible. It calls for a host of lambs to the slaughter, the little people thrown under the bus sacrificed to preserve the boss's ego. You always have friends when you're buying the next round. Friends or wives or children. A purposeful thing, this is what I need you for to do what I want to do. Checkers pushed around the board in a cartel of blind and naked ambition. The Bad News Bears all grown up and taking on government. Only made possible by the hubris of the Democratic Party.
Hey! We could put a head a lettuce up there and they'd vote for it! They'd just have to! Hillary Clinton's entitlement campaign. "I'm ready for my close-up mister Deville." Hello everyone, I'm so glad you got to see me tonight. A generation of conservative wolf hounds raised on a daily diet of Clinton pseudo scandals. She energized the opposition while demoralizing the base.
We've all witnessed the on the job training curve of the Cheeto. The volumes of court ruling against him and his clear misunderstanding of what it is he's supposed to be doing and not doing. Clearly a boorish thug, Broderick Crawford in "Born Yesterday." Like a serial killer he has no empathy, you're just one more grave in the woods. Something I needed for a moment to make me look good or get me out of trouble even if it takes the entire United States Senate. They freed the Cheeto and debased themselves and the founding principle of the nation.
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